Vinegar uses

1 acv

Apple Cider Vinegar  


Apple peelings or cores

Sugar (1 tablespoon per one cup of water used)


Glass jar (a quart is a great place to start, but you can definitely make larger quantities, too.


Fill the glass jar ¾ of the way with the apple peels and cores.

Stir the sugar into the water until it’s mostly dissolved, and pour over the apple scraps until they are completely covered. (Leave a few inches of room at the top of the jar.)

Cover loosely (I recommend a coffee filter or fabric scrap secured with a rubber band) and set in a warm, dark place for around two weeks. Or cover the jar with a paper towel or a cheesecloth and secure it with a band. This keeps nasties away while letting the liquid breathe.

For the next week, the mixture should be stirred once or twice a day. After a couple of days, there should be some noticeable bubbling occurring at the top of the mixture. Ah, fermentation! Essentially, what this step is doing is making hard apple cider, the alcoholic drink. When the apples sink, the cider is ready (and delicious). The hard part here is not drinking it. If any brownish/greyish scum develops on the top, simply skim it off.

Once two weeks has passed,

You’ll know your apple cider vinegar is complete once it has that unmistakable vinegary smell and taste. If it’s not quite there yet, simply allow it to sit a while longer.

Once you are happy with the taste of your vinegar, simply cap and store it as long as you like. It won’t go bad.

Use your homemade vinegar just like you would store bought vinegar– for cooking, cleaning and everything in between!  

The transformation from barroom cider to apple cider vinegar takes about three or four more weeks. In this time, a bit of sediment is likely to collect at the bottom of the jar(s), and a funky film — something like a kombucha mother — will begin congregating at the top of the liquid. Fear not, this is expected and normal. At about three weeks, start sampling it for the desired flavor.



Clear dirt off PCs and electronic
Your computer, printer, fax machine, and other home office gear will work better if you keep them clean and dust-free. Turn off your machine and wash with a mix of equal parts white vinegar and water. Wash with a cloth, not a spray bottle. You can use cotton swabs for tight spaces.

Get rid of smoke odor
If you’ve recently burned a steak or can’t get rid of that cigarette smell, remove the lingering smoky odor by placing a shallow bowl about three-quarters full of white or cider vinegar in the room where the scent is strongest. To get the smell out of the air, moisten a cloth and wave it in the air.

Wipe away mildew
Use undiluted vinegar to wipe away heavy mildew stains. Mix it with water to clean light mildew stains. You can even use a vinegar mist in a spray bottle to prevent mildew stains from forming in rugs and carpets.

. Clean chrome and stainless steel

To clean chrome and stainless steel fixtures around your home, apply a light misting of undiluted white vinegar from a recycled spray bottle. Buff with a soft cloth to bring out the brightness.

Unglue stickers, decals, and price tags
Don’t you hate when you peel a sticker off of your new furniture or product and it’s still sticky from the glue? Worry no more! Use full-strength white vinegar and gently scrape it off the product. Use an expired credit card to scrape. You can also uses this solution to get glue off of glass, plastic and walls.

Brighten up brickwork
Have dingy bricks around your fireplace? Use 1 cup of white vinegar mixed with 1 gallon of warm water to scrub the area. Your bricks will be looking shiny and nice!

Revitalize wood paneling
You can also use vinegar to shine up your dull wood paneling. Mix 1 pint warm water with 4 tablespoons white or apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Let the mixture soak for a few minutes and then polish.

Remove carpet stains
You can lift out many stains from your carpet with vinegar: For light stains, mix 2 tablespoons salt with ½ cup white vinegar. Rub into the stain, let try and vacuum. For tough, ground-in dirt and other stains, make a paste of 1 tablespoon vinegar with 1 tablespoon cornstarch, and rub it into the stain using a dry cloth. Let it set for two days, then vacuum.

Keep car windows frost-free
Vinegar is a great way to keep frost from forming on your car windows. Spray the outside of your windows with a mixture of 3 parts white vinegar to 1 part water.

Refresh your refrigerator
Have you ever smelled a refrigerator that hasn’t been used for a long time? It’s gross! You can freshen up your fridge with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. You can use the solution to wash the interior and exterior of the fridge.

Steam-clean your microwave
Fill a bowl with 1 cup water and ¼ cup vinegar. Set the bowl in the microwave and cook on high for 5 minutes. Once the bowl cools down, use the solution to wipe off the walls of the microwave.

Disinfect cutting boards
Use full-strength white vinegar to clean wood cutting boards or butcher block counter tops. This is a great alternative to dishwasher detergent because it can weaken surfaces and wood fiber. It disinfects against E.coli, salmonellsa and staphylococcus.

Clean china, crystal, and glassware
Have soap spots and dingy spots on your dishes after you put them in the dishwasher? Simply add a few ounces of vinegar to your dishwasher. It will prevent those hard-water stains from showing up.

Trap fruit flies
Did you bring home fruit flies from the market? You can make traps for them that can be used anywhere around your house by filling an old jar about halfway with apple cider vinegar. Punch a few holes in the lid, screw it back on, and you’re good to go.

Tenderize and purify meats and seafood
Soaking a lean or inexpensive cut of red meat in a couple of cups of vinegar breaks down tough fibers to make it more tender. You can also use vinegar to tenderize seafood steaks. Let the meat or fish soak in full-strength vinegar overnight.

Control your dandruff
Can’t wear those black shirts because your dandruff will show? Vinegar to the rescue! After shampooing, rinse your hair with a mixture of 2 cups apple cider vinegar and 2 cups cold water.

Ease sunburn and itching
Gently rub a sunburn or rash with cotton balls or a soft cloth soaked with white or cider vinegar. Try to apply this before the sunburn begins to sting. You can use this to help treat insect bites or rashes from poison ivy or poison oak.

Clean your eyeglasses
When it’s more difficult to see with your glasses on than it is with them off, it’s a clear indication that they’re in need of a good cleaning. Applying a few drops of white vinegar to your glass lenses and wiping them with a soft cloth will easily remove dirt, sweat, and fingerprints, and leave them spotless. Don’t use vinegar on plastic lenses, however

Stop reds from running
Unless you have a fondness for pink-tinted clothing, take one simple precaution to prevent red washable clothes from ruining your wash loads. Soak your new clothes in a few cups of undiluted white vinegar for 10-15 minutes before their first washing. You’ll never have to worry about running colors again! This also works with other bright colors that you worry might run.

Speed germination of flower seed
You can get woody seeds, such as moonflower, passionflower, morning glory, and gourds, off to a healthier start by lightly rubbing them between a couple of sheets of fine sandpaper-and soaking them overnight in a solution of 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 1 pint warm water. Next morning, remove the seeds from the solution, rinse them off, and plant them.


More Uses detail for Vinegar

Freshen up the fridge. Cleaned the shelves and walls with a solution of half water and half vinegar with a few drops of lemon essential oil.

Cleaning a dirty microwave. Fill a small microwave-safe bowl with equal parts water and vinegar with 2 drops lemon essential oil, and place it in the microwave on high for 5 minutes. As the steam fills the microwave, it loosens the mess and you can literally wipe the mess clean.

Eliminate Odors. Spray the inside of the trashcan with a mixture of vinegar, essential oils and water first.

Kill gross boy bathroom smell. Put vinegar into a spray bottle (not diluted) and spray the toilet to kill stinky bathroom smells

Keep the shower streak-free. Fill a sponge wand with vinegar and a few drops of Dawn dish soap. Keep it by the shower and when you’re done with your shower, do a quick wipe down of the shower walls. Just rinse off with water when you’re done. You’ll never need to spend hours scrubbing soap scum-y walls.

Brighten dingy coffee cups and teacups. If you’re a coffee drinker like I am, stains happen. Just gently scrub stains with equal parts vinegar and baking soda.

Clean a Keurig. Run a cup of vinegar through your Keurig like you do normally. You’ll need to run at least 2 cups of plain water through before using it again.

Clean your coffee maker. Run a full pot of half vinegar and half water and run it through the coffee maker. If you have any buildup on your coffee pot, you can let the hot mixture sit in the coffee pot before scrubbing lightly with baking soda if there is any residual hard water marks. Once it’s clean, run 2 full cycles of plain water.

Clean and deodorize the toilet. Pour a cup or more of diluted white distilled vinegar into the bowl. Let sit several hours or overnight. Scrub well with a toilet brush and flush. Add in a few drops of your favorite essential oils (my favorites are lavender and tea tree oil).

Eliminate carpet stains.  Mix 2 tablespoons white distilled vinegar and ¼ cup salt or baking soda into a paste. Rub the mixture into the stain and it let dry completely. Vacuum the residue the next day. (Always test an out-of-sight part of the carpet first.)

Clean dried-on paint off of brushes. To remove old paint, place brushes in a pot with vinegar. Soak for an hour, then turn on the stove and bring the vinegar to a simmer. Drain and rinse clean.

Remove ballpoint marks. If you get pen on your walls (not that my kids would ever do that…) wet a sponge or rag with full-strength white vinegar on the marks. Repeat until the marks are gone.

Wipe off a dirty faucet. To get rid of lime buildup, make a paste of 1 teaspoon vinegar and 2 tablespoons salt. Apply to sink fixtures and rub with a cloth.

Stop static cling. Add ½ c. of white distilled vinegar to your wash cycle. The acid reduces static and keeps dryer lint from sticking to your clothes.

Get rid of that mildew smell from clothes. If you forget about a load of laundry in the washer overnight, don’t worry. Just rewash the load of laundry with 1/2 c. white vinegar and a few drops of lemon or tea tree essential oil, and you’ll never know that you forgot the laundry.

Make  your towels fluffy again. If your towels are starting to get dingy and are just not fluffy anymore, run a load of laundry with 1/2 c. vinegar. (Super fluffing bonus when you use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets in the dryer!)

Make old socks look new. Get the stains out of old socks and sweaty gym clothes by letting them soak in the washer for a few hours with 1 c. vinegar. Just fill the washer with plain water (not detergent) and 1 c. vinegar and let it sit for a few hours. When it’s done, just add detergent and finish the laundry cycle.

Get rid of weeds. Pour white distilled vinegar into a spray bottle and spray liberally on the weeds growing in the cracks of your walkway and driveway. Soak the plant so the vinegar can reach the roots. For stubborn weeds, use warm or hot vinegar in a spray bottle with 1/2 c. salt to spray the weeds and kill them.

Liven droopy flowers. Are your anniversary flowers starting to droop? Don’t throw out cut flowers once they start to wilt. Instead, just add two tablespoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of sugar to a quart of water. Pour the solution into your vase, and the flowers will perk up.

Put an end to itching. Dab a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar on mosquito bites and any other insect stings. It will stop the itching and help disinfect the area so that they heal faster.

Whiten your teeth. Brush your teeth once a week with white distilled vinegar. Dip your toothbrush into the vinegar and brush thoroughly.

Get rid of bad breath. Get rid of the store-bought mouthwash and gargle with white vinegar to get rid of bad breath. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to combat the taste of the vinegar.

Make nail polish last longer. Wipe your nails with a cotton ball soaked in white distilled vinegar before using nail polish. The clean surface will help your manicure last longer.

Keep car windows frost-free. Prevent windows from frosting over in the winter by coating them with a solution of three parts white distilled vinegar to one part water. The acidity hinders ice, so you won’t have to wake up early to scrape off your car.

Keep your dog’s fur shiny.  Spray your dog with 1 c. vinegar mixed with one quart of water. The solution is a cheap alternative to expensive pet-care products. Bonus: the vinegar will help repel fleas and ticks.

Fight a stinky litter box. Get rid of a stinky litter box by pouring a half-inch of vinegar into the empty litter box. Let it stand for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Let it dry completely before adding the fresh litter to it.

Remove pit stains. To remove light underarm stains, rub gently with vinegar with a clean cloth.

Repair DVDs. If you have a worn DVD that skips or freezes, wipe it down with white distilled vinegar applied to a soft cloth. Make sure the DVD is completely dry before reinserting it into the player.

Never waste mayo, ketchup or salad dressing that’s still stuck in the jar. Add a little bit of vinegar to the jar and shake vigorously. This will get the remaining food out of the jars without watering down the taste.

Rinse fruits and vegetables, and preserve them for an extra week.  Fill a sink with warm water and mix in 1/2 c. white vinegar. Stir the produce lightly and let sit. You’ll see all of the gunk at the bottom of your sink in no time. Rinse them off with water and let them dry before storing them.

Dye and brighten Easter eggs. Before your kids dye Easter eggs, mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar with ½ cup of hot water, then add food coloring. The vinegar keeps the dye bright and prevents the color from streaking.

Loosen a rusted screw. Pour vinegar onto the screw, and it will easily unstick.

Remove gum. To get gum out of fabric or hair, heat a small bowl of vinegar in the microwave. Pour the warm vinegar over the gum, soaking the area. The gum will dissolve in the mixture.

Restore handbags and shoes. Wipe vinegar on scuffed leather bags and shoes. It will restore their shine and help hide the marks.

Remove wax. If you get melted candle wax on your wood furniture or floors, just gently wipe it away with a cloth soaked in a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. For stuck on wax, you might want to spray the vinegar on the area and soak it to loosen the wax.

Take a relaxing bath. Add ½ cup of vinegar to warm bath water for a cheap spa session at home, but add a few drops of essential oils to truly soothe and offset the smell. The vinegar removes dead skin, leaving you feeling soft and smooth.

Brighten your hair. Remove hair product buildup by rinsing a tablespoon of vinegar through your hair once a month.

Freshen couches and carpets. Stinky dog pillow? Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and spritz your home to neutralize odors in fabrics, carpets, shoes or any sprayable surface.

Erase crayon. If your kids get crayon marks on the walls or floor, dip a toothbrush in white vinegar and gently scrub. The vinegar breaks down the wax, making for an inexpensive, nontoxic way to clean up after children.

Sticky stickers. Don’t scratch at the residue left by stickers or price tags. Instead, apply vinegar to the gunk, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe the glue away. For more stuck-on stickers, soak in a hot sink of water and a tablespoon of Oxiclean. Works every time.

Clean the dishwasher. Reduce soap buildup and food residue by pouring a cup of vinegar into your empty dishwasher once a month and letting it run a full cycle.

Sanitize pet accidents. You can remove the stain―and smell―of your pet’s accident by mixing ¼ cup vinegar with a quart of water and blotting the mixture onto the mess with a washcloth. Continue dabbing until the spot is gone.

Prep for summer grilling. To remove charcoal buildup from your grill, spray white distilled vinegar on balled up aluminum foil and scrub the grate thoroughly.

Restore shower head pressure. If you have a clogged shower head, remove the mineral deposits by soaking it overnight in a Ziplock baggie full of 1 part vinegar, 1 part water. Secure with a rubber band and let sit overnight.

Clean your scissors. When your scissor blades get sticky or grimy, wipe the blades down with a cloth dipped in full-strength white vinegar, and then dry it off with a rag or dish towel.

Unclog drains naturally. For a nontoxic way to unclog and clean pipes, pour one cup of baking soda, followed by one cup of white vinegar, down the drain. Let the products bubble and foam, then flush the pipes with a pot of boiling water.

Eliminate dandruff and create a healthy scalp. If your scalp is feeling dry or flaky, vinegar can be a simple at-home remedy. Once a week, pour one cup of apple cider vinegar over your scalp and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Soften your feet. Do summer sandals leave you with cracked heals and calluses? Soak your feet for 20 minutes a day in one part vinegar to two parts warm water. Again, I use a few drops of essential oils too. The vinegar removes dead skin, leaving your feet soft and smooth.

Baking soda and vinegar

Unclog Your Drains

This is probably one of the more popular ways to use baking soda and vinegar. To uses these two as a drain cleaner follow these easy steps:

Flush drain with HOT water (may even want to boil some water and pour it down the drain).

Add about 1/2 cup baking soda to your drain.

Pour a mixture of 1 cup HOT water and 1 cup vinegar down the drain. You will notice a lot of bubbles at first.

After the bubbles subside, run HOT water from the tap down the drain for a couple of minutes. This might not work on every clog, but it does a pretty good job for gunk and grime build up.

Clean Pans

If you have pans with baked on burnt gunk, you can use vinegar and baking soda to help get it off. Just fill the pan with a small layer of water and add about a cup of vinegar. Bring the pan the a simmer, then remove from heat. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and let the pan sit until most of the bubbles are gone. Use a scouring pad to remove all of the burnt stains from the pan. You will be amazed at how well this works!

Clean Your Washing Machine

If your washing machine has a nice little ring around it (or worse), it might be time to clean it. Cleaning your washing machine is VERY easy with baking soda and vinegar. Fill your machine up to full with HOT water. Add about 1 cup of baking soda and let the machine run (don’t put any clothes or anything in). When the machine gets to the rinse cycle, use vinegar in place of liquid fabric softener. Again, let the machine finish running. When the load is finished you will have a nice, clean washing machine. If you are left with a couple of dirty spots, you can use your cleaning toothbrush with a little baking soda.

Freshen Up Towels

Do you have towels that have lost their clean and fresh smell? One of my favorite ways to use baking soda and vinegar is to freshen up towels. Simply add about 1/2 cup baking soda in place of your regular laundry detergent. Then add vinegar in place of fabric softener during the rinse cycle. Dry normally and you will notice your towels have a brand new freshness.

Clean Your Grout

If you have grout that you know needs to be cleaned and you don’t want to pay a a professional cleaning service to get it looking like new, try this vinegar and baking soda combo. Sprinkle baking soda in the grout, then spray vinegar over baking soda. (I bought spray bottles on Amazon.) Allow the vinegar to react to the baking soda before cleaning the grout – I like to use a cheap toothbrush to scrub the grout (doesn’t take much work) and then a rag to wipe up the dirt. Dip the toothbrush in a cup of water to rinse in between scrubbing. Give the kids toothbrushes, too. They’ll love watching the baking soda and vinegar reaction.

Get Stains off Your Iron

If you have an iron that has seen better days, try cleaning it with baking soda and vinegar. Make a paste with baking soda and water. Rub the paste all over the iron, being careful of the holes. While the paste sits on the plate of the iron, make a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar. Add this to your water trough on your iron. Take a wet rag and wipe down the front of your iron. You can use your cleaning toothbrush if you have some trouble areas. Once that is clean, run the steam through your iron (I would do this on an old towel), until all of the vinegar/water solution is gone. Fill the water trough with only water and run through one more steam to make sure you get out any left over vinegar. You iron is now clean inside and out.

Dishwasher Cleaner

Fill a large measuring cup with 2 cups vinegar and let it sit on the top rack of your dishwasher. Run a complete dish washing cycle (using hot water). Sprinkle baking soda throughout the bottom of the dishwasher and run the dishwasher again. Your dishwasher should look nice and clean. If you happen to be left with any stubborn spots, you can put some baking soda on a toothbrush and do a little scrubbing. This should do the trick easily. I love to use baking soda for cleaning with vinegar.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

You can use baking soda and vinegar to clean your toilet bowl. Sprinkle about 1/2 cup baking soda into the toilet, the pour about 1/2 cup vinegar over the baking soda. Let the bubbles do their thing for about 10 minutes, then scrub with a toilet brush. You should be left with a clean and deodorized toilet.

Deodorize the Outside of Your Toilet

One of my favorite ways to use baking soda and vinegar in the deodorize the outside of the toilets. I just make a paste with baking soda and water and rub it around the sides and base of the toilet, including the tile surrounding the toilet. Let this sit for 10-15 minutes and then spray vinegar over the top. (I bought spray bottles on Amazon.) Once the bubbles have done their thing, wipe everything up with a clean wet rag. It will be like having a boy-free toilet (for a little while anyway).

Wash Your Hair

Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda per 1 cup water – this is your “shampoo”. Apply to your roots and wash. Then rinse really well.

Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar (or apple cider vinegar) per 1 cup of water. Apply to middle and ends of hair (avoiding roots).

Supposedly, after a week or so of using this method you will have beautiful, clean hair (and will have to wash your hair less).

Skip the fabric softener

It’s really unnecessary to use fabric softener. It costs extra money and it’s full of chemicals. Use 1/4 cup of white vinegar tough love clothes and to make them soft. Don’t worry about the smell. You can’t smell the vinegar after the clothes have gone through the cycle. You can also make sure that you add a few drops of essential oil for a floral smell if that is something that you really like. . use lemon and lavender in most of my loads of laundry

Some More Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar you should Know:

Apple cider vinegar works as a toner to remove the blemishes over face. Make a 50/50 water and apple cider vinegar solution and then apply on your face with the help of cotton ball.

Once you have washed your face, you can give a final rinse with apple cider vinegar. Various research and scientist have proved that apple cider vinegar helps to boost the ph value over skin.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne

Are you suffering from bad breath? Well, then you can use apple cider vinegar for the same purpose. Rinse your mouth once to ensure never bad breath again! Apple cider vinegar is also good for oral hygiene.

You can even wash your tiles with apple cider vinegar. It is due to large amount of alcohol present in it, it helps to remove dirt and other stains from the floor.

If you want your body to shine naturally, you can give a final rinse with apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps to make your body shine and also look lustrous. The only drawback to this is, you might feel your skin dry. In order to avoid dryness over skin, use a moisturizer after rinse.

If you have itchy scalp, you can effectively use apple cider vinegar to get rid of it. Take 50/50 water and apple cider vinegar in a bottle and apply this solution all over your scalp. Wash off with warm water after few minutes.

You can also get rid of dandruff easily with the help of apple cider vinegar. You can wash your hair with apple cider vinegar to get rid of dandruff easily.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) For Weight Loss

There are many people who experience buildup over body. So, the easy way to get rid of buildup is you can wash your hair with apple cider vinegar or you can apply all over your hair and then wash off with Luke warm water.

Did you know apple cider vinegar helps to reduce cellulite? Yes, it does. Drinking solution of apple cider vinegar and water every day in morning can help to get rid of cellulite completely.

Many of us struggle to get white teeth’s naturally! So, your search ends here, all you need to do is gargle your mouth with apple cider vinegar. Doing this regularly can help to give you white teeth’s.

You can clean your dentures with apple cider vinegar. Just sock them in the liquid.

Apple cider vinegar also helps to remove warts.

In order to fade bruises over skin, you can use apple cider vinegar.

Many of people are suffering with cholesterol problem and one solution to the problem is apple cider vinegar. Daily intake of apple cider vinegar in small quantities can help to lower cholesterol.

People who are victim of Gout should intake apple cider vinegar daily but in small quantities.

Drinking apple cider vinegar helps to strengthen your bone.

Apple cider vinegar helps to maintain the pH level in the body and hence it helps in detoxification of the body.

Sipping small amount of apple cider vinegar can help to boost energy in an individual.

To manage your weight, you can drink apple cider vinegar every day. Add two ounce of apple cider vinegar to 1 glass of water.

Apple cider vinegar helps to give you soft and smooth feet’s. You can effectively get rid of cracked feet’s by using apple cider vinegar.

Once you have completed shaving, you can use apple cider vinegar as a after shave lotion. It avoids you from getting bumps and further cuts.

If you have a bad experience of sun burned skin, you can treat them by apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps to soothe sun burned skin and also treats the rashes over them if any.

By rubbing apple cider vinegar directly over teeth’s it can help to remove stains from the teeth.

Giving an after wash with apple cider vinegar helps to make your hair shine and also look lustrous and voluminous.

Just add 2 ounce of apple cider vinegar to 1 glass of water and then apply over your acne. You can get rid of the acne immediately.

Taking one spoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning which helps to fight against allergies and also boost the immunity power.

Just one spoon of apple cider vinegar is capable of stooping hiccups immediately.

Drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water is very good for liver.

For sore throat you can mix honey with apple cider vinegar and drink twice in a day.

Anywhere you are in need of vinegar, you can always use apple cider vinegar.

To cut the morning frizz over hair, you can use apple cider vinegar.

If you get cramps on your legs, you can easily calm it down with apple cider vinegar.

Drinking one spoon of apple cider vinegar helps to treat the sinus problem.

To make you smoothie’s not thick nor runny consistency, you can add few drops of apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar also helps to increase energy in the body and also proves beneficial in metabolism.

Drinking apple cider vinegar with water and some honey helps to treat insomnia in a person. You can take ½ glass of warm water and add 2 spoon of honey to it. Add 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar and stir it. Drink this before going to bed.

Applying apple cider vinegar helps to soothe bug bits and other problems.

If you have fungus over your nails, you should apply apple cider vinegar over nails regularly.

Detox your body by mixing a glass of water and some apple cider vinegar in the morning. You can also increase the power of any detox drink with just a few drops of ACV.

Use apple cider vinegar as a natural teeth whitener. Put some ACV on your fingers and rub it on your teeth for just one minute. Rinse with water. Repeat for a few days, and you’ll notice results as the vinegar balances the pH value of your mouth. All the stains will be gone and your teeth will be whiter.

You can also use apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash solution to get rid of bad breath. Swish ACV at night and in the morning, you’ll notice your breath smells so much better. That is the magic of the vinegar.

Make your hair shine by filling an empty shampoo bottle with one cup of water and one tablespoon of ACV. Use the solution on your hair three times per week after shampooing. After one week, you’ll notice the results.

Improve your probiotics. Simply consuming apple cider vinegar improves your probiotics level. If you suffer from a yeast infection, apple cider vinegar can help. Yeast infections, especially candida, can result in a lack of energy, bad breath, and other digestive issues. Apple cider vinegar is one of your best friends in such cases.

ACV has natural antibacterial properties which come in handy when you want to wash your face. ACV can be used as a face cleanser, cleaning your skin of blemishes and normalizing your pH value. Just make sure not to apply raw ACV. Dilute the vinegar with water, and then use it is as a cleanser.

We all suffer from acid reflux from time to time because of our diet. The main reason for acid reflux is an imbalanced pH value in the stomach. Since ACV comes with a handful of probiotics, just add one 1 tablespoon in a cup of water. Drink the solution five minutes before your meal, and you’ll feel much better.

All this talk about pH value, and we have to mention that even though ACV is acidic, it has an alkaline effect on your body. By consuming ACV, you are balancing the pH value of your body. As a result, you lower the risk of cancer and other chronic illnesses. And as a bonus: a normal pH value increases your energy level.

Consume a teaspoon of apple sugar vinegar in the morning and you’ll lose weight in one week. ACV boosts your metabolic fat burning rate, but also reduces the craving for sugar. And as we all know, sugar cravings are one of the biggest causes of weight gain.

In addition, apple cider vinegar balances your sugar, lowering the risk of diabetes. Just put some on your salads or consume it with water just a few minutes before your meal.

During the summer, one of the best ways to use apple cider vinegar is to soothe a sunburn. Just one cup of ACV in a bath, mixed with some lavender essential oil, will reduce the symptoms of sun burnt skin.

Poison ivy is something we all hate. The plant can cause swelling, inflammation, itching and irritation in general. Apple cider vinegar contains minerals like potassium that reduce the symptoms. You can dilute some ACV in water and apply to the skin rash.

Speaking of rashes and itching on the skin, seasonal allergies can also be troublesome. Allergies can manifest themselves on the skin, or in other ways, like difficulty breathing. If you have difficulty breathing, apple cider vinegar helps eliminate the mucus in your body, supports lymphatic drainage, and reduces symptoms in general. Add two tablespoons of ACV to a glass of water and drink it. Repeat three times per day to fight off allergies.

ACV helps with blood pressure. Exactly how? Consuming a spoonful of ACV every day for 12 weeks will dramatically reduce your blood pressure and help you eliminate the problem.

Fungus on your toes and on your skin will become a thing of the past with just a little ACV. Apply some vinegar on your fingers and rub the affected area two times per day.

Apple cider vinegar regulates the pH value of your body. But this also applies to your skin. One of the many apple cider vinegar uses for skin is to help with eczema symptoms. Rub a solution of apple cider vinegar and a little water on the affected area to support healing.

Another skin condition that can be greatly improved with ACV is varicose veins. Vinegar improves circulation, works in an anti-inflammatory way, and reduces the bulging veins. Witch hazel and ACV is a great mixture to rub on varicose veins. You’ll see some improvement in a matter of a few weeks.

ACV can also be used to treat some common health issues, like cold and sore throat. Just two tablespoons of ACV and a glass of water can help with the common cold. Drink it three times per day, and the vitamins in the vinegar will work their magic.

I don’t recommend using ACV solely  as a deodorant, but you can improve your body odor by rubbing some vinegar on your armpit. This will neutralize odors, keep you fresh, and make for a solid foundation for some perfume afterwards.

For all the men out there, ACV is a much better aftershave product than all the over-the-counter products you can find. All the vitamins and the acidity of the ACV will soothe your skin after shaving, leaving it irritation-free. Just fill a bottle with equal parts water and vinegar, shake, and then apply on your face.

Another over-the-counter product that you can replace with apple cider vinegar is wart remover. Just soak a cotton ball in some vinegar, cover the wart, and let it stay overnight. You can use a band-aid or medical tape to hold the cotton ball over the wart.

Going into some more relaxing treatments, ACV can be used for a massage treatment. Use it to relieve your hands, feet, and entire body.

And if you are feeling tired, apple cider vinegar is also a great natural energy booster. Whenever you feel tired, fill a glass with water, add some ACV, and drink it. Because it contains a ton of potassium and some enzymes, vinegar will prevent the fatigue that can happen after an intense workout.

Health and beauty apple cider vinegar uses with hiccups. We all hate them, and instead of looking for someone to pat you on your back, just get a teaspoon of ACV. The sour taste will stop your hiccups immediately.

Starting the home and household uses, the most common use of ACV in the house is as an all-natural cleaner. You can clean almost any household product by mixing equal amounts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Just spray the solution on the item you want to clean, let it stay for few minutes, and then wipe with a cloth.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a weed killer. Mix ½ gallon of ACV, ½ teaspoon of dish soap, and ¼ cup of regular salt. Spray on weeds you want to kill, but be careful to avoid the flowers and plants you want to keep.

You can make a fruit fly trap out of ACV by putting some in a cup with a drop of dish soap. Set the cup out on the counter, and all the flies will come to it.

When you are doing the laundry, a drop of apple cider vinegar will help eliminate cat urine smell.

Speaking of odors and smells, ACV can neutralize any unpleasant odor that won’t go away. Place some apple cider vinegar in a dish, and then position the dish near the odor you want to neutralize.

Use apple cider vinegar for your pets. You can repel fleas by mixing equal amounts of water and ACV. Place the solution in the tub, and then soak the pet in it. And if you are a cat lover, you can prevent your cats from biting cords by rubbing ACV on the cord.

The easiest way to add more apple cider vinegar to your diet is via salads. All salad dressings can benefit from ACV. Sometimes you don’t even need a salad dressing; a few drops of vinegar are all the seasoning you need.

Juices are another way to increase your ACV consumption. Of course, this only applies to organic and raw juices. Any smoothie or juice can tolerate some vinegar in it.

Another way that goes without saying is in soup. ACV adds flavor and brightness to your soups, and as long as you add it in small doses, your soup will retain its flavor and taste.

ACV is also great for baked goods. You can fluff up cakes, cookies, and all other sweet and sour baked goods.

Last, but not least, add apple cider vinegar to your sauces for that perfect “tangy and sweet flavor.” Marinades are another great example.



Gets Rid of Dandruff

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent dandruff remover. It changes the pH of the scalp due to its acidic nature. The yeast that causes dandruff cannot survive in the acidic environment.

Dilute equal amount of apple cider vinegar with water in a bowl. Mix it well and fill it in a spray bottle. You can now use this spray twice a week on your scalp.

Spray the diluted apple cider vinegar on your scalp by parties hair in sections. The objective is to apply on the scalp not on the hair, though, hair will also get a dose of it. That is ok. Wrap your head with a towel and wash your hair after 30 minutes.

Clears Acne

Apple cider vinegar is hundred percent natural and cost effective way to treat your skin as daily beauty routine.

It is an excellent toner. It changes the pH of the skin killing bacteria to work as natural remedy for acne. The malic acid makes it potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral.

It reduces red spots, fights pimples and reduce blemishes to makes your face acne free if used regularly. You can use it daily as a toner. Make sure that it is diluted enough for your sensitive facial skin. One part if Apple cider vinegar diluted in four parts of water is generally good, but each skin is different so find your dilution ratio by hit and try.

Try first with more water in it, then reduce the water next day and see if it suits. Don’t reduce water below for times apple cider vinegar.

Clears Stuffy Nose

The nutrients like Vitamin B1, B2, And E, calcium , potassium and magnesium are powerful weapons to fight sinus infections. Potassium in particular is helpful in clearing the stuffy nose.

The high pH value ACP when consumed orally breaks up the mucus and clears the airways. The natural antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial capabilities kills bacteria and don’t allow the infection to spread.Add one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and mix it well. Gargle with this diluted ACV.

Stops Bad Breath

Apple cider vinegar is a very good mouthwash. You can control bad breath caused by the bacteria in the mouth.Dilute apple cider vinegar in the ratio of 1 ACP to 4 water and mix it well. Gargle thoroughly to clean the mouth of bacteria.

Whitens Teeth

While you gargle with diluted Apple cider vinegar for clearing sinus infection or removing bad breath, you are also simultaneously whitening your teeth.

The acidic nature of ACP removes the stains on the enamel of the teeth making them look white.

You need to extra careful as the excess use can remove the enamel making them vulnerable.

Soothes Sore Throat

Bacterial infections not only make your nose stuffy but makes your throat sore also. Sometimes you may get runny nose and throat infection both other times it can be either one.

Sore throat with it without stuffy nose can be easily treated with Apple cider vinegar. It is one of the fastest acting remedies for sore throat.

Dilute 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in a warm cup of water. Mix it well and gargle. Do it 6-8 times a day and you will get relief from the sore throat within a couple of days.

Cures Hiccups

Apple cider vinegar can instantly stops hiccups. It appears that ACV is the best home remedy for hiccups.

Drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Your throat may get burning feeling but your hiccups will stop. If you have never consumed apple cider vinegar then dilute it with equal quantity of water and sip it.

Prevents Cancer

Some studies have shown positive outcome rejecting Apple cider vinegar and other vinegars have capability to fight cancer cells. There is no large scale study has yet confirmed these initial isolated studies. Cancer is a dreadful condition and any thing that can help to save you from cancer is a welcome news. Since apple cider vinegar improves digestion and offers range of other health benefits, it is worthwhile consuming it on a daily basis. It may also help you in fighting cancer.

Lowers Cholesterol

A strong link has been established between consumption of apple cider vinegar and lowering of cholesterol in many studies done around the world on rats.The acetic acid in ACV reduces specific LDL component ‘triglycerides’ from the cholesterol numbers. Lowering of triglycerides reduced plaque formation in the arteries, thereby reducing heart diseases.

Cures Stomach Upsets

If your stomach is upset. Bacteria has created that havoc of diarrhea or simply getting stomach cramps, apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for all your tummy troubles.Pectin in apple cider vinegar helps to reduce the intestinal spasm.Mix a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar with equal amount of water and drink to help your stomach upset.

Prevents Indigestion

If you are expecting a big feast or a heavy dinner followed by Indigestion, then you must get ready for the challenge in advance.Add one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey to a glass of warm water. Mix it well and drink it 30 minutes before the big feast.

 Controls Blood Sugar

Many studies have found consuming apple cider vinegar controls Blood Sugar and insulin levels and cures diabetes.If you drink one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar mixed with one tablespoon of water before eating carbohydrates, then your blood sugar levels do not rise as much as they would have otherwise risen.

If you drink the same amount of apple cider vinegar with water before going to bed then your fasting sugar reduces.

So drink two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with equal amount of water before going to bed daily and get rid of diabetes.

If you are taking blood sugar lowering medicine then consume apple cider vinegar under medical supervision to ensure that you don’t get into low blood sugar category. This will also help in gradually reducing your diabetes medicine to finally give it up.


Reduce Weight

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best remedies for weight loss.

The acetic acid which reduces triglycerides, lowers blood sugar and controls insulin levels also helps you to reduce weight by suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism. It also reduces water retention.

The combined effect is weight reduction.

It improves satiation, so feel full with lower consumption of calories.

Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a warm glass of water daily before going to the bed or better before taking dinner.

In addition to consuming apple cider vinegar daily you must also follow other weight reduction techniques for eating certain foods and regular exercise for best results.

Boosts Energy

If you are feeling fatigue apple cider vinegar will energise you.

Amino acids in ACV, potassium and enzymes do the job.

Add a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in a carrot juice or any other vegetable juice and drink it to boost your energy levels

Cuts Down Night Time Leg Cramps

Lower potassium levels in the body are responsible for leg cramps. Drink a mixture of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of honey in the night.

Overall, you can understand that apple cider vinegar is a versatile potent health drink. Make it a habit of drinking 2 tablespoons of diluted Apple cider vinegar in equal amount of water daily preferably before going to bed to become and stay healthy.

Eczema remedy

I dab ACV on my little one’s eczema. – Amber Nicole Snowder

Skin toner

I use equal parts water and ACV for a skin toner. – Vanessa Orlick

Natural astringent for acne

Mix 1 part water 1 part cider vinegar dip cotton ball apply to face until dry then rinse. -Sheena Struelens

Facial mask

I’m about to mix it with some green clay. -Aria Phillips

Mole remover

Dip a piece of cotton (I use a small piece if a cotton pad) in ACV, ring out a bit then place it on your wart, skin tag or mole, then place a bandaid over it. I like to leave it on over night. -Tanae Potter

Wart remover

Soak a cotton ball in ACV, place over wart and cover with medical tape. Repeat daily till the nasty thing vanishes. -Laura Ann Nixon Endsley

Facial wash

Simply mix 1 part ACV and 2 parts water and rub on your face.  Add some raw honey to the mixture if your skin is dry. Then rinse with warm water. -Lindsey Thomason

Make up remover

Mix 1 part ACV and 2 parts water. Dab a cotton ball with the mixture and swipe on makeup to remove. -Dimple Yadav

Soften skin

We even soak in it for our skin is so soft afterwards. -Brooke Wright


Soak washcloth and place on sunburn. Takes the sting out and reduces the redness. -Megan Brugge-Yardley

Healing all sorts of skin issues

-Tiffany Lang

Skin tags

Dip a piece of cotton (I use a small piece if a cotton pad) in ACV, ring out a bit then place it on your skin tag then place a bandaid over it. I like to leave it on over night. -Tanae Potter

Apple Cider Vinegar for Cleaning

Fabric Softener

I use 1 cup of ACV. -Coral Davison-Ray


Cleaning: Spray on surfaces, or pour on scrubby…add baking soda, scrub away. Pour down garbage disposal w/baking soda and a lemon. Let sit for a few minutes, then turn on the water and the disposal. – Sarah Buttell

Rinsing agent in washing machine

Add one cup of ACV to the rinse cycle. -Ceci Richardson

Cleaning the moon cup

Wash your menstrual cup in a 50/50 ACV and water mixture with some gentle soap. -Elísa Arnarsdóttir

Keep ants away

Ants avoid that stuff like its poison, just pour. -Teresa Munoz

Fruitfly trap / fly trap / gnat

In a bowl with plastic wrap on top tightly. Poke holes with tooth pick to catch flies. -Jennifer Duncan

Cleans humidifier

Remove the filter and rinse with water. Then add ACV to the tank of the humidifier and let sit for 30 minutes, swishing around occasionally. Rinse and dry. -Lacey R. Foster

Drain cleaner

Acv and baking soda to clear a clogged drain. -Deanna Moody-Linzmeier

Whiten laundry

I also put 1/4 cup in with my white laundry and baking soda to brighten it up. -Raquel Arteaga de Dicuru

Jewelry cleaner

Mix 1/2 cup ACV and 2 tbsp. baking soda and let silver jewelry sit in the mixture for a few hours. Rinse with clean water and dry and shine with a soft cloth. -Danielle Fantis

Weed killer

Just pour ACV on the weeds! -Bethany Hol

Cleaning menstrual sponges

Wash your menstrual sponge in a 50/50 ACV and water mixture with some gentle soap. -Elyse Fox

For cloth diapers

Add 1/2 cup to the first rinse of a load of cloth diapers. -Emily Blakey

Apple Cider Vinegar for Pets

Keep away cats

The cats aren’t fans, so we use it to keep them away from places they shouldn’t be! – Kate Parlee McCullough

Flea spray

Spray a 50/50 mixtures of ACV and water on your pet before they go outside.

Ward off parasites

I put a capful in my dogs water bowl. – Karen Lopez-Walker

Conjunctivitis of dogs

Mix 1 part ACV and 2 parts water. Dab a cloth in the mixture and apply BELOW the eyes. reapply every few hours. -Anny Chen

Ear mites in cats and dogs

50/50 acv and water rinse 2 times a day for 2 weeks. works like magic, and no trip to the vet! -Sarah Norton

Homemade dog shampoo

Mix 1 part ACV, 1 part water, and 1 part baby shampoo (not Castile soap). -Sandra Mason

Chicken immune system booster

Put 1 tbsp per gallon to boosts my chickens immune system. -Nichole Leah Bowen

Apple Cider Vinegar for Wellness

Helps slow the breakdown of carbohydrates

Also add 1tbls to each serving of pasta. -Coral Davison-Ray


I drink 2 tsp in 8 oz of water to help relieve my arthritis symptoms. -Kelly Cockrell Young

For weight loss

I love drinking a tablespoon in a glass of water! It quenches your thirst so much better than just water. -Cara Igoe

Help blood glucose levels

I drink it in water all day. -Titus Alexis

Prevent mastitis

Drink it in water on a daily basis. -Brooke Carlson

Regulate PCOS symptoms

I drink about a tbsp in 8 oz of water before meals. -Janet Adkins

PMS Symptoms/cramps

Helps with PMS symptoms, mostly cramps. -Caitlyn Tracy

Add a teaspoon of ACV to a cup of water 3 times a day.

Lowers cholesterol

Add a teaspoon of ACV to a cup of water 3 times a day. -Bree Petty

PH balance

Can help regulate your body’s pH which can ward off disease. Consume 1 teaspoon mixed in a cup of water daily. -Shanxon Lemasters

Immune system building / booster tea

Warm water, ACV, cinnamon & honey. Tastes like hot apple cider. -Aimee Villella McBride


Drink 2 tbs. of ACV, 1 tbs. of raw local honey, 1 tsp. of cinnamon, and half a lemon to 1 cup of water. -Julia Olson

Energy drink

A teaspoon to a tablespoon of ACV in 8 ounces of water. With a tablespoon or so of raw honey, a splash of lemon juice, and a dash of ground ginger. Mix it all up and drink before every meal. -Amanda Hamilton

For dry scalp / dandruff treatment

Add ACV to your shampoo before washing.

Hair rinse / hair wash / hair soak

I usually do about a cap full of it into a water bottle along with filling the bottle up to half with warm water and leaving it in my hair for a few minutes then rinse out. -Rhianna Marie

Cellulite cleanser

ACV helps break down fat in cells. Add a teaspoon of ACV to a cup of water every day. -Kinga Fronczak- Loforte


Use a 50/50 ACV and water mixture to gargle with. -Kinga Fronczak- Loforte

Hair conditioner / detangler / hair spray

I dilute it with water and use it as conditioner. -Jennifer Kemp

Teeth whitener

Brush your teeth with ACV before you brush with regular toothpaste. -Rachel Goakes

Grow in balding spots of hair / helps fix alopacea

Add a teaspoon of ACV to a cup of water every day. -Kayleigh Hunt

Soften hair

Use a 50/50 mix of ACV and water as a hair rinse. -Lacey Macdonald Noran

Bath soak / detox bath

I use it in the bath as a detoxifying soak along with epsom salts and coconut oil, really helps with skin issues. -Natalie Grace

Set hair dye.

Dilute with water and rinse after dying, rinsing and conditioning. -Carin Najjar

Heartburn / fighting pregnancy induced heartburn

I mix a tablespoon of acv with a glass of freshly pressed apple juice and drink. -Danielle Jacqueline Whaley

For sore throats, coughs, lost voices

Hot water, 2 tbsps cider vinegar, 2 tbsps honey. -Casey-Jane Rand

Indigestion / upset stomach

I throw a tablespoon of ACV into my water every day to give it some flavor. -Michele Bath Kus

Fungus-like ring worm / kill toenail fungus

Soak feet every day in it. -Kylene Ward Alvich

Kill candida

Ingest a tablespoon mixed with water daily to rid body of candida overgrowth. -Laura Joseph Meehan


Use it on contact dermatitis. -Denise Passero

Aches and pains (especially joint pain)

Consume 1 teaspoon mixed in a cup of water daily. -Amy Gray Quinn

Plantar wart removal

Soak for 10 mins each night before bed until gone. -Breanna Williams

Morning sickness

I put a teaspoon or so in a glass of water with a little stevia. It neutralizes the acid in the stomach! -Allisyn Krause

Acid reflux/GERD

I add one tablespoon to a glass of water and drink for immediate relief of acid reflux pain. -Jodi Jones

Cold / sick / fever remedy

Mixed in with honey, lemon, cinnamon, (sometimes garlic) for a cold remedy. -Sheila Virginia Miller Rice

Diaper rashes

Put it in the bath for diaper rashes. -Sheila Popovich

Clear sinuses

Boil it with water and inhale to clear sinuses. -Jillian Nichole Pardo

Foot soak / for athlete’s foot/ foot scrub

1 part ACV to 4 parts water. -Danvier Wille


In a bath for UTI’s. Add a cup or two of ACV to your bath. -Rachel Goakes

Strep B tests

Consume 1 teaspoon mixed in a cup of water daily. -Rachel Goakes


Water and ACV mixture swabbed onto my nipples after breastfeeding during a thrush in babies situation. -Jera Sue Dean

Stop a gallbladder attack

A tablespoon before every meal keeps me from having gallbladder attacks. -Cassandra Deardorff Stapp

1 T acv + 1 cup apple juice = stops gallbladder attacks. -Ria Barnett

1/4 C for gallbladder attacks. -Julie O’Connor

I would drink a mix of half ACV and half water or better, apple juice. -Kelly Jones Brown


I splash a little on my underarms before I use my homemade deodorant. Otherwise, the baking soda in it makes me itch. The acv balances out the pH. – Suzy Provine

Nausea / vomiting / diarrhea

Equal parts ACV and raw honey..enough water to drink it down. -Amanda Jurosco

Muscle cramps

A shot helps with muscle cramps. -Tomeka Scheuerman

My doctor has me drink two tablespoons in warm water to treat my bursitis. -Sarah Hiatt

Natural antihistamine

Consume 1 teaspoon mixed in a cup of water daily. -Bonnie Woods Alford

Cures molloscum

Either taken internally or place on warts with cotton ball and bandaid for an hour. -Alex Guise

Fever blister remedy

I put it straight on a few times a day. -Brendi Shepard Edge

Yeast infection

Mix in douche bottle 1/4 bragg’s raw ACV with 3/4 lukewarm water. 2x per day for 3 days. -Brittany F.

Pour one cup into a bath. -Audrey McCabe

Cradle cap

Apply to a baby’s head to kill the bacteria that causes cradle cap. -Tara Eippert

Soak new clothes in it to set color

-Tasha Wiebusch

Shrink my fibroid

Consume 1-2 teaspoon mixed in a cup of water daily. -Sinead Byrne


Few drops in the ear for an earache. -Melissa Andrews


Consume 1-2 teaspoon mixed in a cup of water daily. -Jodi Jones

For respiratory problems

It is wonderful for respiratory problems (cold, asthma, bronchitis, allergy, etc) used in a humidifier 4:1 with distilled water. -Glennia J Chitwood

In bone broth

Add 2 tablespoons to your homemade bone broth. – Doreen Conrad-Busque

For washing fruits and veggies/wash produce

I also have it in a spray bottle diluted with water for cleaning, especially veggies. -Glennia J Chitwood

Make buttermilk

Add 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of milk.  Allow to sit at room temperature until the milk thickens. – Titus Alexis

Salad dressing

With EVOO, lime and pinch of salt as a my every day salad dressing. -Maria Cabrera-Duran

Pickle bologna

-Dave N Kathy Stangl

Soaking grains

Add 1-2 tbsp to your soaking grains. -Amanda Jurosco


-Lindsay Fowler

. Homemade mayonaise

-Rachael Johnson

Buttermilk pancakes

Add to milk to make “buttermilk” pancakes. -Christina Fossa

Add 1 T ACV to dairy free milk (soy, almond, etc) and let sit to curdle. Makes vegan/dairy free “buttermilk” for baking! -Jennifer Finnegan


Add ACV and baking soda to get baked goods to rise better. -Janelle Pavey


I add it to my roast so it’s juicy. -Elizabeth Michelle Weaver


Add some ACV while cooking Chutney to soften the fruit.

Hard boiled eggs

Add some ACV to the water when boiling eggs to help avoid broken shells.


Use ACV in your marinade recipe to help tenderize the meat and add a richer flavor.

Urinary Tract Infection

Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of enzymes, potassium and other useful minerals that can prevent the bacteria that cause UTIs from multiplying or growing. Those suffering from UTIs can use apple cider vinegar as a natural antibiotic to treat the infection.

Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. You can also add lemon juice and sweeten with honey. Mix it well.

Drink this two times a day for a few days.

You need to mix one or two tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of filtered water and drink two to three times a day, at least 20 minutes before each meal. If you find it too strong or bitter to drink, then add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten the mixture.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar that is raw (unpasteurized), organic and contains “the mother”, the strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky, cobweb-like appearance. Some people believe that the “mother” is responsible for most of the health benefits

To treat and cure urinary tract infections quickly, mix one teaspoon round of baking soda in a glass of filtered water and drink once day on an empty stomach.

Treat Gout with Apple Cider Vinegar Naturally at Home

Gout is a type of arthritis. When uric acid builds up in blood, it causes arthritis. Uric acid is formed when there is breakdown of waste material i.e. purines. In few cases, this uric acid stays in the blood and eventually forms crystals which get accumulated in joints band ultimately causing gout.

Use it Directly:

Apple cider vinegar can be consumed for it will help in breakdown of the crystals and help your body to bid adieu to the problem and the pain. In fact, not only this it will also help in reformation of the joints.

Mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar in one glass of water.

Drink the above mixture twice a day and say goodbye to the gout pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey:

Take vinegar and honey in equal quantity.

Mix it will and consumes the same daily.

It should be taken twice a day until and unless you find complete relief from the problem.

Soak Joints in Apple Cider Vinegar:

The enzymes present in the vinegar help one to get rid of the pain and swelling and soaking your affected area in it will only hell you in feeling better.

Take 4 cups of hot water in a bowl and pour 1 cup of vinegar in it.

Mix the above mixture well and soak the swollen part in the same for 30 minutes.

Practice the above procedure daily, at least twice a day and soon you will find the condition improving.

Also, you can soak a towel in the above mixture and wrap it around the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes.


Apple Cider Vinegar with Baking Soda:

Take ½ teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Mix it well and consume it around 30 minutes before taking your meal.Make sure that you do not take the mixture empty stomach for it can cause diarrhea.It should be consumed at least thrice a day to get rid of gout.


Tips and Precautions:

It cannot be denied that apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies to cure the problem of gout.However, there are certain points that should be kept in mind be forte you start using the same. It is recommended that vinegar is better to be consumed after meals or it can also be taken before going to bed, as one feels the pain at the most during night time.

For effective and quick result, one should use raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar because it contains the ingredient ‘mother’ in it.


Apple cider vinegar shall be consumed with the help of a straw as it will prevent your teeth from decaying.


One should not consume alcohol, stop smoking, reduce intake of acidic beverages for they have negative effect on the gout pain.

Try apple cider vinegar for quick recovery.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Varicose Veins

Apply it to the skin surface.

Deodorize the couch cushion

With a mixture of 4 parts water to 1 part distilled white vinegar, you can easily and naturally deodorize the couch cushion and give it a good cleaning!  Just simply measure out about 1 cup of baking soda, at least for a spot size about as big as one cushion. Then add about 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil per 1 cup (adjust your amounts based on how much you need).


A Multi-Purpose Cleaner with Febreze Meadows Mr. Clean 

One of the best cleansers for vinyl flooring is apple cider vinegar. The acidity in the vinegar helps remove dirt and grime without leaving a buildup of soap or wax. Simply mix one cup of cider vinegar with a gallon of hot water and use a damp mop to clean, rinsing the mop frequently with hot water. Substitute white vinegar for cider vinegar if you want to disinfect as you clean. If your floor is especially dirty, try adding a few drops of liquid dish washing soap to the mixture before mopping once with the soap mixture, a second time with vinegar and water. To add shine to your vinyl floor, add a few drops of baby oil, or Murphy oil soap,  to the vinegar and water solution Don’t use paste wax polishes on your vinyl floor. They’ll leave a film on the floor that will build up over time.

White and apple cider vinegar, both natural cleaning agents, can remove ground-in dirt, mineral streaks, and scuff marks from both vinyl and linoleum. Vinegar is too strong to use full strength unless you have to remove deep stains. For regular cleaning, mix 1 cup with a gallon of warm water, adding an ounce of dish detergent and a few drops of baby oil to make a strong mopping solution that leaves a shine. For deep stains on linoleum, spray vinegar on the floor full strength, then mop immediately with plain water. Repeat, adding hydrogen peroxide, if needed. If this treatment dulls the finish, apply acrylic floor polish to restore the shine. If your no-wax floor loses its shine, restore it with a polish or sealant made for no-wax flooring. Make sure the floor is thoroughly clean and apply one or two thin layers as directed. It should keep your floor shining for at least a year with only routine damp mopping.

All we did was spray the Scrubbing Bubbles onto the floor, working on a few sections at a time. Make sure the foam covers the vinyl pretty evenly and wait about a minute, or so,  for it to work it’s magic. Then use a wet mop to wipe up the grime. We have a fairly large kitchen, so it took about 3 cans to do the whole thing. It’s pretty amazing how it just lifts the grime right off of the vinyl!

Do not use ammonia or ammonia-based cleaning solutions on vinyl flooring; these can break down the material and cause cracks in the flooring

Some commercial cleaners are specially designed for vinyl floors. These include Pine-Sol Multi-Surface Cleaner; Pledge Tile & Vinyl Floor Cleaner and Pledge Tile & Vinyl Floor Finish with Future Shine; and Armstrong’s Once ‘n Done Resilient and Ceramic No-Rinse Floor Cleaner and Armstrong Shinekeeper Polish.

  Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom cleaner! All we did was spray the Scrubbing Bubbles onto the floor, working on a few sections at a time. Make sure the foam covers the vinyl pretty evenly and wait about a minute, or so,  for it to work it’s magic. Then use a wet mop to wipe up the grime. We have a fairly large kitchen, so it took about 3 cans to do the whole thing. It’s pretty amazing how it just lifts the grime right off of the vinyl!

For tough stains from lipstick, crayons, paint or ink, apply rubbing alcohol to the spot and scrub with a soft-bristle brush

About 1-2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) of apple cider vinegar per day is recommended to get the full weight loss benefits. It is best to mix it with water and drink it.

Fire the fruit flies

Get rid of bugs by filling a small bowl with 1 ½ cups of apple cider vinegar and add a couple of drops of liquid dish detergent. They’ll love the smell but will drown in the liquid. Especially handy if you’ve spotted insects in the pantry.

If you have acne woes or dandruff, look no further than your local grocery store for the perfect remedy. While prescription medication can be tough on the skin and cause you flaking, dryness, and bigger skin issues than you had before, a little bit of apple cider vinegar mixed with water on a cotton swab makes for an excellent natural toner. Dr. Karen Hammerman, cosmetic dermatologist at Vanguard Dermatology in New York City, tells InStyle, “Skin is naturally acidic but when vinegar is used as a toner, it helps skin find the ideal balance between dry and oily.” To try using apple cider vinegar to treat your skin, InStyle recommends diluting one tablespoon of it with a few drops of water before applying.

Drinking a glass of water with a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in before a meal can help you digest your proteins, which can help your HCl stay at a healthy level. Also, marinating your meats in apple cider vinegar can help you digest them better. Be sure to drink this mixture around 20 minutes before you plan on eating. This can assist your digestive system immensely, and you’ll be absorbing even more nutrients than you were before.

If you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn and you’re concerned about the acidity when drinking apple cider vinegar, you can combine your apple cider vinegar and water mixture with a teaspoon of baking soda. This vinegar is also available in capsule form if you would rather ingest it this way.

Apple cider vinegar works to fight heartburn by restoring acidity to your stomach. Drinking a tablespoon diluted in water will work better than any antacid, because it does exactly the opposite of an antacid — it provides your stomach with what it naturally needs to work properly

Relieve burnt skin. 
Between the stinging, peeling, and red-hot skin, there are few things worse than a really bad sunburn. Apple cider vinegar, to the rescue! Add about a cup of the good stuff to your bath water to help soothe the burn. To Soothe Burns If the thought of rubbing highly acidic vinegar on red-hot, tender skin makes you wince, you’re not alone. My face still scrunches right before I apply ACV to a sunburn, but, fear not because it doesn’t actually hurt. Amino acids in ACV “can help balance hydration in the skin and calm irritation,” says Hammerman. Massage onto sunburns or razor burns to turn down the heat.

Sooth a sore throat
If you suffer from chronic sore throats, but don’t want to overdose on cough syrup, turn to apple cider vinegar. Mix one teaspoon apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon cayenne pepper and three teaspoons clover honey in a glass of warm water for an easy elixir. All three ingredients will work together to help you heal: Apple cider vinegar and honey have anti-bacterial properties, and the capsaicin in hot peppers helps alleviate pain. If that sore throat is due to allergies, apple cider vinegar packs an extra punch, since it also breaks up mucous and sinus congestion.

Soothe an upset stomach.
When your stomach is feeling less than stellar (i.e. you’re constipated, have food poisoning, are bloated, etc.), drinking an apple cider vinegar and water mixture may help set it straight, thanks to the antibacterial and antiviral properties found in ACV.

Stop the itch, stat.
Whether your scratching is due to a bug bite, poison ivy, or even jellyfish stings, apple cider vinegar can help with these painful and uncomfortable side effects. Just apply the solution directly to your itchy area, and let ACV take you to an “Ahhh” moment of relief.

Soothe a sore throat.
Throat killing you—or giving signs that it will within a few days? Don’t worry, you’ve got an all-natural germ-fighter in your corner: apple cider vinegar. Mix a quarter cup of ACV with the same amount of warm water and get your gargle on. Doing so creates an acidic environment that may stop the icky cold-causing germs from thriving in your throat. Another mixture to try: warm water, ACV, cayenne pepper, and honey. Drink that one up!

Putting vinegar on your chips helps your body break down the fats that the thin sticks of potato have been fried in.

Natural ACV Tea-

Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to warm water and lemon to drink as a natural tea. Add a green tea bag for even more healing effects.

Onions  Fresh onion juice

Onions can improve the digestive system. If you have a digestion problem, then onions can cure it by increasing the release of the digestion juices. Sniffing cut up onions can sure help in a common cold and acts as a preventive measure during flu too. Onions are also rich in Vitamin C that helps boost your immunity.

Garlic can be used to treat feet fungus There are three types of athlete’s foot infections, reports; moccasin-type, which causes extreme dryness; vesicular, which is typically due to fungal allergies and causes blisters; and ulcerative, which is most severe and occurs in large areas.

Baby Oil: Athlete’s foot can cause extreme dryness and flaky skin on your feet and baby oil does wonders for this. Clean your feet and apply baby oil to them every night for a few weeks.

You’re more likely to get athlete’s foot if you have:

  • Allergies or dermatitis (skin inflammation)
  • Poor blood circulation in the legs, such as from diabetes or peripheral arterial disease

There are many ways to treat feet fungus naturally. A popular natural remedy for Athlete’s foot is garlic. Garlic has powerful healing and curative powers which are beneficial in just about every disease and ailment. Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which hit many types of infections very effectively.White vinegar is often used for treatment

Oregano, the fragrant herb commonly used to flavor pasta and meat dishes, is renowned for its versatility in the kitchen. But did you know that it can also be transformed into an herbal oil with a wide range of benefits?


Vicks VapoRub or similar products can be so effective at treating it, even where traditional treatments fail.  To treat toenail fungus with Vicks VapoRub, clean and trim your toenails. Wash them well and make sure they are completely dry. Coat the toenail with the Vicks, and be sure to get the gel deep into the sides of the nail and as far underneath as possible. If you have any cracks in your nail, rub deeply into them. Once the nail is covered, then wrap a light gauze bandage or adhesive bandage around the nail to protect the Vicks from rubbing off on to socks or something else. Leave it on and let the gel absorb into the nail. Repeat daily. The time it takes to notice results can be anywhere from 10 days to six weeks, depending upon how deep your fungus is.

Listerine can be great for getting rid of toenail fungus. Simply make yourself a Listerine foot bath and allow your toes to soak for half an hour.

People might think you are crazy to spray Listerine onto your computer or television screen, but it is a great way to clean things off.



*Please note, this article is not intended to  PROMOTE any SINGLE PRODUCT, or to diagnose, treat any medical condition or replace any medicines or medical treatment, it is purely our opinion from our experience and research from a non-medical perspective.  Please confirm any, all of these things with your doctor. 
