Tips for Home, car, Personal

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Tips for Home  care

Removing Hair home, furniture

  • Use textured rubber gloves.

Slip on some rubber gloves and run your hand along carpet and pet beds to collect pesky pet hair.

  • Scrub carpeted surfaces with a pumice stone.

If you have a dog that sheds a lot, you know that vacuuming alone won’t get all the pet hair out of your vehicle’s carpet. To save time, use a pumice stone to collect hair before using the vacuum.

  • Run a rubber squeegee over carpet.

Do this after you vacuum, and you’ll be surprised at how much hair is left over.

  • Pick up a pile of hair with a latex balloon.

Ever try rubbing a balloon against your hair? Yeah, it’s like that, but far more useful!

  • Use the rough side of Velcro.

Fuzz, hair, thread…Velcro can easily pick up fibers from fabric and carpet. If you don’t have a big strip of Velcro, try a plastic hair curler.

  • Wrap duct tape around a paint roller or use a lint roller.

Don’t wanna use up all your clean lint roller tape? Wrap duct tape around a paint roller instead!

  • Stick clothes with pet hair in the dryer first before washing.

Before tossing hairy clothes in the washing machine, throw them in the dryer. Turn your dryer on to the tumble/fluff, no-heat setting for about 10 minutes to loosen the pet hair before washing. Don’t forget to clean your lint trap!

  • Brush surfaces with a scrub sponge.

The rough side of an everyday scrub sponge will also do the trick.

  • Run wet hands over pet hair.

Out of rubber gloves? If you don’t mind getting a little dirty, just wet your hands and run them over pet-hair-prone areas.

  • Attach a dryer sheet to a Swiffer.

Rubbing surfaces (like couch cushions) with a dryer sheet also works like a charm.

  • Chop Herbs

Use your pizza cutter to chop or mince fresh herbs! This is a great option for people who don’t have a spice grinder or something similar. Using a pizza cutter to chop herbs is easy and fast! And it won’t bruise your herbs like a knife might.

  • Remove Stickers

The easiest method (by far!) for removing stubborn stickers from surfaces is to heat it up with a hair dryer.

Tips for the car

  • Wash your car with hair conditioner.Most hair conditioners contain lanolin, a type of wax, which will make your car shine.
  • Wipe down the interior of your car with a coffee filter.

Coffee filters are made of a lint-free paper that is perfect for dusting!

  • Get rid of dead bugs on the front of your car with cooking spray.

Apply cooking spray to a car grille and bumper, then use a clean cloth to rub the dead bugs away.

  • Or, get dead bugs off your grille with dryer sheet
  • Clean wiper blades with rubbing alcohol to prevent smears on your windshield.Use a cotton ball or cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to wipe your car’s blades.
  • Use baking soda toothpaste to rub away the grime on headlights.  Squeeze out a blob of toothpaste onto a rag and rub the paste all over headlights. The abrasive texture of the baking soda will help buff away grime.  Rinse headlights with water. Repeat as necessary.
  • Dust your A/C vents with a foam craft brush.
  • Or, blast the dust out of vents and carpeted corners with a can of compressed air.Blowing dust and debris out from vents and the corners of your car’s floor will make it easier to vacuum.
  • Then, make your own air freshener by applying 5-10 drops of essential oil onto a clothespin.
  • Or, make your car smell good with pineapple skins.
  • Use an old sock, Windex, and a travel cup to clean cup holders. Put an old sock over the bottom of a travel cup, spray with Windex, and twist to remove dirt and grime in cup holders.

Essential solutions and natural tips  introduce into your daily routine.

  • Drink 1 cup of water or alkaline vegetable juice (carrot, cucumber, beetroot and radish)for a start.
  • Eat oats (oatmeal) for breakfast.
  • Have a (fat-free) yogurt a day.
  • Drink plenty of tea. Among some of the most effective herbs and plants are ginger, mint, anise, cinnamon, cardamom and marshmallow root.
  • Eat a banana to either relieve or prevent symptoms.
  • Chew gum to increase saliva flow and neutralize acid.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water; drink it immediately before it fizzes out.
  • Dilute 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in ¼ cup of water; drink it 30 minutes after your meal to prevent an attack.
  • Mix 1 oz of aloe gel with 2 oz of water.

Habits   to change?

  • Stop your use of tobacco and alcohol.
  • Eat lighter meals but more frequently throughout the day.
  • Lose weight.
  • Avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime.
  • Replace your table salt (acid) with sea salt (alkaline).
  • Eat foods rich in glutamine: eggs, milk, fish and spinach.
  • Stack your pillows, or place a book under the head of your mattress to create an inclination while you sleep.
  • Lie on your left side to provide stomach support and help eliminate acid.

That embarrassing wart on the side of your thumb or splinter. 

How to remove a splinter.
Use a Banana peel 

Baking soda method described here is best for tiny, invisible splinters, or deeply-embedded ones. The baking soda paste will cause the skin to swell and push the splinter out. It’s best used after other methods, since it will make the other methods (tape, tweezer, needle) more difficult because your skin will be slightly swollen.  This method is best for tiny, invisible splinters.  Make a paste by adding water to a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Gently apply the past to the affected area and cover with an adhesive bandage. Leave for a couple of hours. Check periodically to see if the splinter is out. The bicarbonate of soda causes the skin to swell, thereby dislodging the splinter and drawing it to the surface.

Soak it in warm water…     after following the above directions (soaking/cleaning) the splinter swells enough to have just a bit sticking out of the skin…cover it with elmer’s glue, let the glue dry thoroughly, then peal it off. if there is enough wood for the glue to stick, the splinter will come out when you pull the glue off

Cut a small piece of banana peel, big enough to cover the wound. Place it over the wound (skin side out) and keep in place with an adhesive bandage. Leave overnight. Enzymes from the banana skin will draw the splinter to the surface. If you leave the banana skin on for long enough, the enzymes will dissolve the splinter altogether. The inner side of a banana peel can help you beat that wart. Just tape it down with a bandage so the inner peel is in contact with the wart. The oils in the peel will gradually break down and dissolve the infected tissues if you do this nightly.

Mom’s old-time recipe that always works : Mix equal parts powdered laundry detergent and plain white table sugar, add a bit of water to make a paste. Put a dab in a band aid and cover. Leave overnight. Repeat next day if needed. Somehow it pulls the splinter out.

Or Use hydrogen peroxide.

Try removing a deep splinter is easy with magnesium sulfate, better known as epsom salts.  You could either soak the finger a few times a day in a cup of warm water and epsom salts or make a poultice with it.

Some go the poultice route.  He took a small pinch of epsom salts, placed it on the bandage section of a regular, large band-aid and wrapped the finger with it. He changed the bandage once a day or after it got wet in the shower.

Cut a small slice of fresh tomato or orange. Place on the wound and cover with an adhesive bandage. The enzymes in the fruit will draw the splinter to the surface. Leave covered for a couple of hours. Check progress periodically. If the splinter has not moved, reapply the fruit bandage.

Honey Apply a small dab of honey to the affected area and cover with an adhesive bandage. The splinter will be drawn to the surface of the skin by the enzymes in the honey. The honey also acts as a natural antibiotic.

Castor Oil  Many individuals have had luck with castor oil. If you rub the oil into your wart before bedtime, the oil can break apart the virus cells from healthy skin cells and help diminish the wart for good.

Duct Tape  Some people had some luck with duct tape. I cut a small piece from the roll and place it over my warts for a number of days. Studies show that the duct tape will irritate the wart, which propels the immune system to attack the virus and speed up the destruction of the wart-infected tissues.

Vitamin C as an effective wart remover due to its acidic content. Simply crush vitamin C tablets and mix into a paste using water. Dab the paste onto the wart and cover with a bandage or tape.

Aloe Vera is already celebrated for its healing power, but it turns out that breaking off a fresh leaf and applying the gel directly to a wart can help speed recovery. Make sure you have a full plant so you can apply the gel daily.

Garlic is known for its antiseptic properties and for fighting cold and flu viruses. But crushed garlic applied directly to a wart and covered with a bandage will cause the infected tissues to blister, break down, and fall off more quickly if the remedy is applied daily.

Vinegar  Compress Dip a cotton ball or compress in a mixture of vinegar and lukewarm water and tape it directly the surface of your wart. Do this on a nightly basis and sleep with the compress on for at least 2 to 4 hours nightly for the most effective treatment.

Fresh Basil  It turns out that basil does more than cleanse the palate and ease digestion—it can fight warts as well! Break off a fresh basil leaf and tape it directly over your wart using a bandage of first-aid tape. The anti-viral compounds in the basil will slowly kill the wart.

 Potato Remove a Splinter   Cut a raw potato in slices.  Place a slice on the splinter (yellowish side down). Hold it there for a while, and it will hopefully get the splinter right out.


Cinnamon Stick Tea – The easiest and most effective method is to boil Cinnamon sticks. Read our recipe on how to do this. If you can use Ceylon Cinnamon sticks which has ultra low Coumarin levels and will not damage your liver unlike Cassia Cinnamon. After you have made it, add some honey because it creates a hydrogen peroxide effect and brings all the viruses to the surface of the stomach, to be then killed by the Cinnamon

Cinnamon Black tea – Drink our Ceylon Cinnamon infused with Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil. Cinnamon is far more potent in Cinnamon Bark Oil form than in a Cinnamon stick.  Forget about Cinnamon Tea made with natural or artificial flavoring. They have little if any anti-bacterial properties and retains only the smell of Cinnamon. Check out our Cinnamon Bark Oil infused tea. By the way you should not take Cinnamon Oil internally by yourself, mostly because the mixing ratio of Cinnamon Oil has to be just right, otherwise you will burn your stomach. It is that powerful! Our tea is mixed professionally and very easy to take and tastes fabulous. The best real Cinnamon tea you can buy

Cinnamon Powder Tea – If you have no Cinnamon sticks or Cinnamon black tea then by all means use Cinnamon powder. Boil 1.5 cups of water and add 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon powder, let it brew for 5 minutes, strain with a cheese cloth or  fine strainer to get rid of the Cinnamon powder residue mix. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink it. Powder has very little Cinnamon Oil in it to be as effective as Cinnamon sticks or our Cinnamon tea, but it will do in a pinch. One thing to note, some Cinnamon powder is irradiated and stuffed with fillers or worse saw dust, so if you have cheap Cinnamon powder it just won’t work.

Add Ginger – Fresh grated or sliced ginger is also one of the greatest things you add to Cinnamon. It is well known as a stomach settler and works very well with Cinnamon

Salt & Sugar – Add a 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar or honey to each cup of Cinnamon Tea which is needed for the body to maintain the ideal fluid balance.


◾Hydration – This is the most important thing you can do. In addition to Cinnamon tea, sip small sips of Pedialyte,Ceralyte, Infalyte, or diluted gatorodae at frequent intervals. You need sodium (salt) to maintain the fluid balance in the body and replace lost minerals especially salt and sugar. Signs of dehydration include thirst, less frequent urination, dark colored urine, dry skin, fatigue, light headedness, and the inability to sweat. Read our post on water intake.

◾Limit food intake – Start with a fluid diet, at least for a few hours. If you are hungry, slowly start with simple solid food like toasted white bread, rice and bananas. Avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, oily and fried food, tomato-based food, spicy food, carbonated or highly sugared drinks, sour juices. Yes, our Cinnamon black tea has caffeine in it, but this relatively little compared to coffee or soft drinks or energy drinks (very bad) and anyway has Ceylon Cinnamon Bark oil which will knock out most viruses and bacteria dead on. And a little bit of sugar is needed but not too much since bacteria and viruses thrive in a sugar rich environment

◾Remove excess clothing, especially tight clothing. Sweat it out.

◾Disinfect with Cinnamon Oil – Get some diluted Cinnamon Leaf Oil and wipe down your whole house and car. Several studies have found Cinnamon Leaf Oil is effective against the spread of Salmonella. Concentrate on the major germs areas like light switches, door handles, toilet handles, refrigerator door handle. One of the great things about Ceylon Cinnamon Oil is that it’s disinfectant properties lasts quite long. At least a couple of days. And it’s all natural, even edible when diluted.

◾Wash clothes and wash hands frequently. Unless you want to inflict your pain and suffering on others that is.

◾Exercise and build your immune system. Just 5 minutes of intense exercise is sufficient. You don’t want to overdo things and get really get bent out of shape. Since your body is weak, exercising too much will push you over the edge. Exercise just enough to get some Oxygen and into your system and get your blood flow going.

Home Remedy To Erase All Aging Signs From Your Face


Mix ½ tablespoon of turmeric powder with orange juice or Lemon juice (1 tablespoon).

Scrub it gently on your face and allow it to dry for 15 -20 minutes.

Then, wash off gently using cold water.

You can also apply walnut powder with honey & orange or lemon juice to make your face glow instantly.



2 teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil

A teaspoon of baking soda


Mix the ingredients in a bowl until they form a paste. Apply it on the affected area, rubbing slowly.

Leave the mask on for 5 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water. You can apply a gentle massage after treatment.

You do not need to apply a moisturizer after the procedure because coconut oil will hydrate your skin perfectly.

Helpful Remedies to Relieve Headache Pain

Common causes of headaches include stress, tension, restlessness, sinus problems, migraines, lack of sleep and dehydration.


If the cause of your headache is dehydration, you can easily get relief from the pain by rehydrating your body.

  • Simply drink a glass of water at the first sign of a headache and continue taking small sips throughout the day.
  • Along with water, you can have sports drinks. The electrolytes present in sports drinks can treat headaches caused by tension and dehydration.


Lemon is a very effective and powerful ingredient to treat headache because it is refreshing and relaxing. Plus, it helps maintain the acid-alkaline balance in the body.

  • Drinking warm water mixed with juice squeezed from one-half of a lemon will reduce the intensity of a headache. This particular remedy is beneficial for headaches caused by gas in the stomach.
  • Another option is to apply lemon crusts, pounded into a paste, on your forehead to immediately relieve pain.


Both apples and apple cider vinegar can be used to fight off a headache. They help restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body. Furthermore, simply the smell of green apples can help reduce migraine headaches.

  • When you wake up in the morning with a headache, eat a piece of apple sprinkled with some salt. Then drink some warm water.
  • Alternatively, fill a large bowl with steaming hot water and add 3 to 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to it. Hold a towel over your head and take in the steam for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Another option is to add 2 teaspoons of some apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. You can also add a little honey and lemon juice. Drink it 2 or 3 times a day.


Peppermint has calming and soothing properties that can help treat headaches.

  • You can make an herbal tea by adding 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint to a cup of boiling water. Cover and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain and add some honey to sweeten it. Sip the tea slowly.
  • You can also use peppermint oil to gently massage your temples, jaw and the back of your neck for instant pain relief.
  • In addition, inhaling the soothing aroma of peppermint steam can ease headache as well as accompanying symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease headache pain. It also helps relax the blood vessels in the head, reduces swelling in the brain and activates natural opiates in the brain that help lessen the pain.

Simply drink ginger tea up to 3 times a day to reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate headache pain. It is important to start at the onset of the headache so the ginger can act quickly.


Cinnamon is another herb that can effectively treat headaches. This remedy is helpful for headaches caused by exposure to cold air.

  1. Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder.
  2. Add some water to make a thick paste.
  3. Apply it on your forehead and temples and lie down for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash if off with lukewarm water.

Crush it with cayenne

Utilizing something spicy may not sound headache helpful, but cayenne is somewhat revered in the kingdom of natural remedies to treat pain and inflammation. The secret behind its success lies in an ingredient called capsaicin, which inhibits something in our body that is one of the main elements in pain perception called Substance P. In short, Substance P is part of what makes us feel pain, and the capsaicin depletes it. Numerous studies, the first in 1998 in The Clinical Journal of Pain, support that when applied topically to the nasal passages; people experience a significant decrease in the severity of their headaches, all thanks to capsaicin.

You will need…
-1/4 teaspoon cayenne powder
-4 ounces of warm water
-cotton swabs


Dilute a ½ teaspoon of cayenne powder in 4 ounces of warm water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and stir it around to make sure it’s covered-the powder can sometimes sink to the bottom.

Apply an apple cider vinegar compress

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a long history in realm of natural remedies. It’s been used to relieve everything from scurvy to hay fever, and just about any other ailment that falls in between. Some modern day studies have proven its effectiveness in treating certain illnesses, but most of its clout lies in the reports of people throughout the centuries who have benefited from it. If you find yourself coming down with a throbbing headache, try getting some quality ACV time into your day in the form of a steam-style treatment.

You will need…
-1/4 cup of ACV
-Roughly 3 cups of boiling water
-1 cup of fresh cool water

Pour ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar into a large bowl, and then fill the bowl halfway with boiling water. Place a towel over your head so that it drapes over the bowl, trapping the steam, and hold your face over it. Make sure your face isn’t so close that it gets burned by the steam. Do this for 5-10 minutes, or when the water starts to cool down, breathing in and out deeply the whole time. When you’re done, use the towel to pat your face dry, and go drink a glass of cool water.

Munch on ginger root

Prostaglandin synthesis is a process that takes place in some animals (including humans) that makes lipid (fat) compounds within their cells. Those fatty substances are like little chemical messengers that mediate biological processes, like inflammation, and alerting neurons to pain. Certain enzymes spark off the prostaglandin synthesis, while some drugs, such as aspirin, inhibit the synthesis. Ginger root, a natural alternative, is thought to inhibit the synthesis as well. On top of that, if you’re getting knocked with a migraine, it can help quell your nausea. Simply sip a nice steaming cup of ginger root tea and relax while you wait for your headache to ease up.

You will need…
-3 quarter size slices of ginger root
-2 cups of water
Slice 3 slices off of a piece of raw ginger root, with each being roughly the size of a quarter. Gently simmer the pieces of ginger in 2 cups of water, covered, for 30 minutes. Use something to remove the pieces of ginger and transfer to a mug, or if you prefer, leave them in. Sip slowly and breathe in the steam if you want. Relax!

On average we don’t drink enough water daily, and that alone is cause for a headache. Coffee, alcohol, sugary drinks-all can dehydrate you (hence the pounding headache that comes along with a hangover) and should be avoided. As soon as your head starts to hurt, drink a tall glass of water, and then sip throughout the day

Drink Grape Juice

Though you probably haven’t sipped grape juice in years (aside from “adult” grape juice, that is), it’s the perfect go-to remedy when a migraine strikes.

According to First Choice Smart and Home-Cure, grapes are an excellent pain reliever. Take a drink of all-natural grape juice, or create your own at home to find relief. Blend fresh, ripe grapes with a bit of water, and you’ll drink your discomfort away.

Drink a Small Amount of Caffeine

Although caffeine can cause headaches of its own in large amounts, a small dose of a beverage like coffee or soda can soothe the pain of an intense migraine.

When you drink caffeine, it can offer pain relieving benefits—as long as you drink just a small amount, as the Mayo Clinic notes. If you drink it right when you feel a migraine beginning to appear, it can also improve the effects of Tylenol, aspirin, and other over-the-counter pain relievers. Yet if you drink too much, you could cause more pain, as caffeine is known to create headaches for those addicted to it.

For instance, are you getting a migraine because you haven’t had enough to eat today? Some migraines can be triggered by a lack of food, which can cause low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. If you think your headache is triggered by hunger, eat something that’s easy on the stomach such as saltine crackers. This, in combination with your medications, may give you additional relief. The National Headache Foundation says some people may crave carbohydrates just before a migraine hits. If this is the case, listen to your body and have a snack.

Here are the top 10 ways to get rid of diarrhea.

1. Yogurt

Yogurt, especially the one with live bacterial cultures such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium is a great home remedy for diarrhea

2. Ginger

Ginger is used in the treatment of food poisoning and can also help get rid of cramps and abdominal pain.

  • Grate a small piece of ginger and add one teaspoon of honey. Eat the mixture to promote the release of gastric juices and improve digestion. Avoid drinking water immediately after eating it.
  • You can also drink ginger tea two to three times a day to cure diarrhea. Slice one small piece of ginger and add them to one cup of water. Boil the water for a few minutes, strain it and add some honey before drinking it. If fresh ginger is not available, you can use powdered ginger from your spice rack.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Another effective home cure for diarrhea is apple cider vinegar. It acts as an effective agent against bacteria that cause diarrhea.

  1. Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  2. Drink the solution once or twice a day until your diarrhea subsides.

4. Bananas

When dealing with diarrhea, it is recommended to eat ripe bananas because of their high pectin content.

Pectin is a water-soluble fiber that helps reduce diarrhea. Bananas are also high in potassium, an electrolyte that supports a number of vital functions in the body.

Eat a few ripe bananas a day until your diarrhea subsides.

5. White Rice

Plain white rice is among the bland foods recommended to eat during diarrhea because it is easy to digest. In addition, it can help decrease the amount of stools by adding bulk to the stools.

Eat small amounts of plain white rice (without any added sauces and spices). Gradually increase the amount of rice as your diarrhea improves.

6. Carrot Soup

Carrot soup is a high-bulk food and is believed to have antidyspeptic effects. Carrot soup is particularly good for children recuperating from diarrhea because it provides essential nutrients lost during diarrhea.

Wash, scrape and finely chop 500g carrots.

Pressure cook the carrots with a little more than one-half cup of water for about 15 minutes.

Drain the liquid.

Add a little salt to taste.

Eat this soup fresh daily for a few days when suffering from diarrhea.

Carrot soup Detailed

1/2 1 large yellow onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, diced

1 pound carrots, scrubbed (or peeled) and chopped (~4 cups)

Salt and Pepper

2 cups Veggie Stock + 2 cups water

1/3 cup creamy or crunchy salted natural peanut butter (use less for a less intense PB flavor)

2 tsp chili garlic sauce (use less for less spice)

TOPPINGS: Fresh basil, cilantro, or mint; coconut milk; brown sugar or agave nectar (sub honey if not vegan); Sriracha hot sauce


Heat a large pot over medium heat.

Dice onion and garlic. Add to pot with 1 Tbsp coconut or olive oil (or nonstick spray). Add carrots and cook for 5 minutes.

Season with a healthy pinch each salt and pepper, then add veggie stock and 2 cups of water and stir.

Bring to a low boil, then reduce heat to a simmer. Cover and cook for 20 minutes, or until veggies are tender (test by cutting a larger piece of carrot in half – it should cut with ease).

Transfer to a blender (or use an immersion blender) and blend until smooth and creamy. (Cover with a towel in case your lid leaks any soup while blending.)

Add peanut butter and chili garlic sauce to the blender and blend to combine, using a ‘puree’ or ‘liquify’ setting if you have it.

Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. For a touch of added sweetness, add a Tbsp or so of brown sugar, maple syrup or agave nectar (or honey if not vegan). Add more chili garlic sauce for more heat.

Serve immediately with fresh basil or herbs of choice. A drizzle of coconut milk will add a creamy, sweet touch. Serve with sriracha for extra heat.

 Curried Carrot soup  

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1 3/4 cups chopped Vidalia or other sweet onion

2 pounds carrots, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Dash of ground ginger

2 cups water

2 cups fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth

2 tablespoons heavy cream, divided


  1. Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onion and carrots to pan; cook 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in salt, pepper, and ginger.
  2. Add 2 cups water and broth to pan; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 25 minutes or until carrots are tender. Remove from heat; cool.
  3. Place half of carrot mixture and 1 tablespoon cream in a food processor or blender; process 20 seconds or until smooth. Pour pureed mixture into a large bowl. Repeat procedure with remaining carrot mixture and 1 tablespoon cream. Return mixture to pan; cook over medium heat until thoroughly heated.

7. Clear Fluids

Diarrhea can cause your body to become dehydrated. Drink at least eight glasses of water along with coconut water, clear broths, vegetable soups, and clear sodas (without caffeine) when suffering from diarrhea. You can also drink sports drinks that do not contain caffeine.

Stay away from caffeinated and alcoholic drinks. Also, avoid acidic drinks such as tomato juice and citrus juices.

8.Peppermint A lot of people only know about peppermint as something that is used for different candies. There are times when peppermint can also be used to flavor different drinks. Peppermint is also a good ingredient to use to help relieve stomach problems. The first thing that you need to do is make sure that the sprigs of mint that you are going to place are clean. You can then steep a few sprigs of mint with hot water for a few minutes. You can drink it when you feel that the water is not hot enough anymore to burn your tongue.

9. Blueberry Blueberry root is a long-time folk remedy for diarrhea. In Sweden, doctors prescribe a soup made with dried blueberries for tummy problems. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanosides, which have antioxidant and antibacterial properties, as well as tannins, which combat diarrhea.

10. Turmeric… Turmeric is yet another natural cure for diarrhea that works very well and is cheap. If you’re looking to clog yourself up quickly, turmeric will certainly do it! And most people already have some turmeric stored in their pantry for cooking, so if you do you can get started with this treatment right now. Just mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm, filtered water and throw straight down the hatch. If you don’t like the idea of doing that then you can mix a teaspoon of turmeric in with a tablespoon of honey or yogurt and take it that way (this actually tastes much nicer). For kids, the second option is definitely the easiest. Just remember to give them ½ a teaspoon instead of 1 full teaspoon. Teenagers, however, can have the same amount as an adult (you can’t really “overdose” on turmeric anyway so it doesn’t really matter how much you have). Take this concoction 3 times daily on an empty stomach for 1-2 days to be completely diarrhea free! –

11. Cinnamon and Ginger…

Here’s two more easy home remedies for diarrhea that you will probably have in your pantry right now. You can either mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger powder in with a tablespoon of honey or yogurt or make up a cinnamon and ginger tea. To do this you simply combine 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and ½ a teaspoon of ground or freshly grated ginger in a cup of boiling water (you can also add some turmeric too if you like). Mix well then leave to steep for 30 minutes before slowly drinking.

You can also sprinkle some cinnamon on a couple of pieces of toast and eat for even more benefit.

12. Pepto-Bismol… Pepto-Bismol is one of the tried and true home remedies for diarrhea and upset stomach. It’s particularly effective if your diarrhea and upset stomach have been caused by the helicobacter pylori bacteria (see our “home remedies for upset stomach” article for more information on this). Pepto-Bismol is also great to have if you go travelling to third world countries and encounter a gastro problem. If that does ever occur, you’ll be mighty glad you brought some of this stuff with you –

Avoid Anything Dairy

There are a lot of people who love dairy food products such as milk, butter and cheese but even though these things taste good, they may have to be avoided during the onset of diarrhea because they might further aggravate people’s condition. This should be avoided further by people who are suffering from lactose intolerance.

What to Avoid:

  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Other Dairy Products
  • Sugar – Bacteria love to eat sugar and sugar reduces immune system functioning.

If you suffer from regular or chronic diarrhea, then the first thing to do is revisit what you are eating. Inadequate dietary fiber, high intake of fatty and fried foods, and insufficient intake of highly nutritious foods—such as whole grains and leafy green vegetables—can weaken your digestion and tend you toward diarrhea. Going to the bathroom too much, loose stools and watery elimination can occur. So first off, change your diet. Easy-to-digest grains like oatmeal and millet can help to re-stabilize digestion and elimination. Steamed leafy green vegetables can supply the minerals your bowels need for healthier function. It needs foods that are kinder and gentler such as soup, gelatin, rice, noodles, bananas, potatoes, toast, cooked carrots, soda crackers, and skinless white-meat chicken.

10 Amazing Home Remedies For Vomiting

One of the most common problems faced by adults as well as childrenvomiting is a natural reflux of the body as a reaction to some conditions or diseases of the body. It results in forcible expulsion of the contents inside the stomach as a result of the stomach contracting. It is the body’s way of expelling the toxic substances that causes irritation. Vomiting is not a disease as such, but a number of diseases and disorders can cause vomiting. Few of the causes could be gastroenteritis, food poisoning, pregnancy, over eating etc.

Though one feels extremely unpleasant when the feeling of vomiting arises, it must never be suppressed as the body could be trying to eliminate something that could be dangerous.  Suppressing vomiting could be more annoying than vomiting and feeling relieved. It is very important to treat the symptoms associated with vomiting, especially in children as it could lead to severe dehydration due to loss of fluids and electrolyte imbalance. If vomiting persists and the condition of the person deteriorates, seek medical attention without wasting any time. There are a number of home remedies that you can administer for stopping bouts of vomiting and making the individual feel much better.

Home Remedies For Vomiting

Drink Plenty Of Water

Severe bouts of vomiting can be dangerous for the body. Loss of water from the body can lead to intense dehydration and resultant symptoms. In order to prevent the body from getting dehydrated,drink plenty of water so that your fluid balance will remain intact.

As vomiting is body’s natural way to remove the waste build up in the body, you are also facilitating the process by drinking plenty of water and flushing out the toxins. Probably, this could be all that you need for stopping your vomiting.

Take Some Ginger

Ginger is known to cure a number of stomach irritations and pain. It is also anti spasmodic in nature which is all you need for putting an end to vomiting.  Crush a ginger piece of about 1” and add a glass of water to it. Steep the water for 10-15 minutes and drink it for immediate success in stopping the natural reflux.

Chew Some Mint Leaves

Go and fetch some mint leaves from the garden and chew on it if you cannot control your vomiting sensation anymore.  Mint is capable of removing any kind of irritation in the intestine and the esophagus.

It is also capable of destroying the germs present in the stomach which could probably be the reason for your vomiting in the first place.

Eating Cloves

Cloves are used for treating symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and vomiting. Take a teaspoon of cloves and boil along with one cup of water. Allow it to simmer for ten minutes.

Strain the water and drink whenever you feel like vomiting. The aroma and flavour of cloves too can create immediate relief from vomiting.

Cinnamon Sticks

Cinnamon sticks can make a great difference to your feeling of vomiting. If the vomiting is caused due to indigestion, cinnamon can help in aiding proper digestion and prevent vomiting.

During an episode of indigestion the intestinal tract will be irritated and you may feel nauseous as well. Take half a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and boil along with a cup of water. Drink this for relief from vomiting and the associated symptoms.


Onion juice can be used for treating vomiting. Extract a teaspoon of onion juice and drink it as soon as you start feeling like vomiting. Onion juice can be mixed with ginger juice to make it more strong as both these ingredients will exert their individual potency on your body and emerge winners.

Sugar And Salt For Repairing The Electrolyte Imbalance

Continuous vomiting can be dangerous as it can remove essential nutrients from the body and create fluid imbalance. A simple remedy that can remove these problems is to use sugar and salt mixture.

Take a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Add this to a glass of water and drink it. This will make sure that your imbalances are corrected and your vomiting stops.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The bacteria causing the vomiting will have to be removed from the intestine in order to facilitate complete healing and stop the vomiting fully. What better remedy for it than apple cider vinegar!  Apple cider vinegar has anti microbial qualities which put in on a pedestal higher than the other remedies.

Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and add a cup of water to it. Drink this once and see the effect on the vomiting. Do this until your vomiting stops completely. Once the vomiting stops, you can be sure that the germs are taken care of.

Drink Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is fortified with all the right vitamins and minerals that can halt vomiting with a single dose. Vitamin C, proteins, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B and other nutrients are great ways by which you can revive the energy that is lost after a fit of vomiting.


Fennel is capable of eliminating the bacterial action in the stomach and intestines, thereby eliminating loose motions and releasing the tense intestinal muscles.

Take a cup of water and add a teaspoon of fennel seeds to it. Boil in low flame for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink which will give the perfect solution.

While using these home remedies, one must also take great care to avoid solid food as this would aggravate the problem if the vomiting is due to indigestion. Fresh fruit juices and water must be consumed in abundance to remain hydrated. However, it’s a better idea to avoid milk and other dairy products when you have vomiting. You must also refrain from oily and junk food and drinks that are caffeinated, alcohol and milk products.


Dealing with regular itching on the body

Body brushing

One cure is body brushing. Use a natural bristle (as stiff as you can find) and start brushing your dry skin in an upward, toward the heart action. Start on the soles of you feet and work up the body, one section at a time. Really brush upward hard, make the skin red. On the itchy areas brush until you relive the itch. Don’t forget to brush under the armpits.

Repeat this treatment as often as you wish. but daily, before bathing, is a must. You will find in the beginning that you will do it more often.

In about a week’s time the itch will be gone or mostly gone. But continue these treatments to maintain itch free skin.

Chilli pepper Some have suffered from regular itching on the body for many years (arms, shoulder, upper body) on what appears to be perfectly healthy skin. Nothing – absolutely NOTHING – helped or eased the problem… Until they  rubbed on a good dose of chilli pepper with a damp cloth. After the heat, NO further itching!! Incredible! Now… It Will get very hot (obviously!! ) so avoid sensitive areas… But it works!! It really does!! I had the itching problem for years… But no longer. It can sometimes come back after a few months, if so just reapply the chilli powder. Then… Gone!!  with a little water, make a paste, and apply locally. Sometimes you have to repeat the next day or hours but it eliminates the itching.

If you think you’re being bitten by something at work, take a 9″x11″ cake pan or similar pan to work with you & fill it with soapy water (just add a little dish washing soap to some water & fill the pan about half-way full). Place this pan of water right below you nearest electrical outlet. Keep other electrical plugs away. Plug a nightlight into the outlet & make sure it stays on all the time, including at night after you go home. If your office has a flea infestation, you will find dead fleas in the soapy water the next day. The fleas are attracted to the heat of the light & when they jump towards it they fall into the soapy water. The soap removes their protective coating & they drown. Dawn Dish washing Liquid (original) is one  brand to use

I told my mother about putting honey on her eczema. She applied some and left it on for ten minutes. She had been taking antibiotics for quite some time but nothing had stopped the itching. Immediately after applying the honey the itching was gone. Now we’ll just have to see if it heals it completely.

Garlic in an anti-parasitic herb (and anti lots of other stuff, too.) Ideally, get a few bulbs of garlic. Four times a day, chop up one of the cloves (one section of the bulb) and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then spread it on some toast with some honey or butter. You will not smell the best while you do this.

We should have mentioned another solution to your itchy problems – a product that I found locally at Dollar Tree called Vit.E with naturals supplied by Fruit of the Earth – It comes in Aloe Gel, Vit.E with Natural Gel, Vit. E cocobutter, etc. This Vit. E with Naturals get stuff is fantastic-the only thing that I have ever found that will stop the intense itching caused by that confounded plant called poison ivy/oak -not only stops the itching but dries it up -the naturals in it are herbals like calendula, burdock, etc. Anything that stops that horrible itching of poison ivy should help with any itching also. The only place I have found it here is mentioned above but I suspect it can probably be found in health groceries (probably much higher than the $l price in above mentioned store) When I found this [product stopped the itching & also dried the rash up within 3 days I look for more every time I go through their store and have a good supply in my bathroom.

My Dr. offered me prescription ointment which she said had a lot of chemicals, but also said that I could instead apply Vick’s vapor to the body would also cure it. I was hesitant about the vapor rub but applied it right before bed and by the second night I was cured. Something in the vapor rub kills these bugs.

Apple Cider Vinegar This isn’t the first time I’ve sung the praises of the uber-versatile ACV, and I suspect it won’t be the last. Apple cider vinegar is an effective antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent that relieves itching, especially itching associated with dry skin (for example: sunburns and dandruff). It’s also popularly used for pets with dry, itchy skin as well, by adding a few cupfuls to their bath water.

How to use it: Just put a few drops of it onto a cotton ball or washcloth and dab it on to the affected area. Use raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (Bragg’s is a good brand) with the “mother,” a strand-like sediment floating at the bottom of the bottle that contains raw enzymes and beneficial bacteria.

As a topical (meaning applied externally rather than drinking it) treatment vinegar can be dabbed directly on your itchy skin using a cotton ball or Q-Tip. This is very effective for spot treatments like bug bites or a small itchy rash.

For severe itchy skin try a paste made from equal parts of vinegar and cornstarch. Just apply the paste liberally on the sensitive areas and leave it there until the itching stops.

Apple Cider Vinegar or Plain White Vinegar

  • Take 1/4 cup of organic apple cider vinegar and add this to a cup of water
  • Mix it well and pour this mixture in an empty spray bottle
  • Squirt the bottle all over your scalp and hair
  • Massage it gently so that it will saturate all over the hair.
  • Leave it for about 3 – 5 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water followed by shampoo

Fresh Basil Leaves   Basil leaves contains anti-itch compounds called camphor and thymol. This is my personal go-to trick for bug bites, as it’s so quick and easy. Plus, rubbing the leaf onto the skin satisfies the compulsive urge to scratch.

How to use it: Crush up the leaves and rub directly onto the skin.

Aloe Vera  Many  love aloe vera for just about every kind of skin irritation. Aloe is probably best-known for its ability to heal sunburns, but it’s extremely versatile as it soothes the skin and relieves swelling and irritation. If you live in Southern California, there’s probably an 85% chance it’s already growing in your yard

How to use it: Break off a leaf from the plant, and cut it open lengthwise from top to bottom with a knife. Scoop out the gooey gel inside, and rub it directly onto irritated skin. If you have extra left over, you can keep it refrigerated in an airtight container for up to a week.

Oatmeal Oatmeal contains compounds called avenanthramides that reduce inflammation. This is a popular trick that’s been around for ages; I can remember my mom making me take oatmeal baths when I had chicken pox as a little kid. It’s also commonly used for poison ivy and eczema. You can add oatmeal to your bath, or make a poultice.

To use it: To make an oatmeal poultice, add a bit of water to a cup or bowl of plain, organic, uncooked oatmeal (ground or steel-cut work best for this), then let it sit for a few minutes until it reaches a paste-like consistency. Apply the paste to the itchy area as needed.

I mixed baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, I didn’t measure it, just made it like a paste. That first time I applied it, it burns really good, I felt that the cream is penetrating in to the whole areas that’s been affected and killing all the skin bugs. I feel more relieved with my own cream, and now it’s getting better, no more itch for 3 days.

If your skin is of the sensitive type, the best remedy is petroleum jelly. It does not contain any harmful chemicals and by its very nature, has a soothing action on the skin. Therefore, it not just relieves your itch, but it also ensures the skin irritation becomes less. Best of all, it is safe as well as inexpensive and so you don’t have to worry about how often you apply it.

With a rich content of vitamin C and bleaching properties, lemons are one of the best remedies for itchy skin. The volatile oil in lemon has the ability to numb sensations and is also good against inflammation. Simply cut a lemon in two and squeeze out a little juice over the itchy area; allow to air dry and you’ll soon find some relief.

Baking soda  An itch restricted to a small area can be managed with baking soda. All you need to do is add 1 part of water to three parts of baking soda to make a paste; then apply this paste to the itchy area. However, don’t use this remedy if the skin is broken. If the itch is spread all over the body, add a cup of baking soda into a tub full of lukewarm water and soak in it for half an hour; then dry in air.

Cough, How to deal with it

Wash your hands frequently, especially after coughing, eating, going to the bathroom, or caring for someone who is sick

 A Spoonful of Honey

Studies, such as one conducted at Penn State College of Medicine, have found that honey can work more efficiently to calm a cough than over-the-counter drugs. It is a rich demulcent, with a high viscosity and stickiness that does an incredible job of coating and soothing those irritated mucous membranes. Thanks to an enzyme added by bees when they harvest honey, it also has antibacterial properties as well, which may help shorten how long you have the cough if it is due to bacterial illness.

Note: This is an excellent alternative remedy for both kids and adults, but should never be given to children under the age of 2 years due to the risk of botulism.

You will need…
-1 tablespoon of organic, raw, honey

 Gargle Salt Water

Also a popular remedy for sore throats, salt water can ease the discomfort caused by a cough the same way it helps a sore throat-through osmosis. When the concentration of salt is higher outside of the cells in your mucous membranes, water flows out of the cells to balance everything out. When water leaves the cells, swelling goes down, and discomfort is decreased. If you have a cough that happens to come along with inflamed tissue, this is a good route to take. It can also help dislodge any phlegm that’s hanging out and allow you to expel it easily.

You will need…
-1 teaspoon of salt
-8 ounces of warm water

Stir salt into water until it is thoroughly dissolved. Gargle for 15 seconds, spit, and repeat with the remaining water. Rinse with plain water afterwards.

Tea Thyme

Thyme has been used for centuries, and was even used during one of the most devastating pandemics to take place in human history. The Black Death was a plague that peaked in Europe from 1346-1353. During that time, and in other incidents of the plague thereafter, townspeople would gather to burn large bundles of thyme to ward off the disease, or carry pockets of thyme on them. Indeed, thyme does have anti-microbial properties, but we’re not warding off any plague here-just your cough. Thyme relaxes the muscles of the trachea and bronchi, and also opens up airways. The result is less coughing, and increased comfort.

You will need…
-a handful of fresh thyme sprigs OR 2 tablespoons dried thyme
-8 ounces of fresh water
-Honey or lemon (optional)

Lightly bruise the thyme, e.g. with a mortar and pestle, and then place in a mug. Cover with 8 ounces of boiling water, cover, and let it steep for 10-15 minutes. Add some lemon or honey to taste, and drink the whole thing. Repeat 2-3 times daily as needed. It’s absolutely delightful just before bedtime (unless you aren’t a fan of thyme. But drink some anyways.)

Pepper & Honey

Black pepper is the world’s most traded spice, but most of its use is limited to the culinary world. What people don’t know is that it can make a great remedy for coughs that are accompanied by a lot of mucous or chest congestion. If you’ve accidently leaned too close to black pepper while it’s being grinded, you know it can make you cough or tickle your nose. This may not be fun on a regular basis, but it’s a plus if you need to expel all the nasty stuff that’s gunking up your lungs. The honey adds its antibacterial properties, and it makes it so the pepper isn’t too irritating. You can make black pepper “syrup” with honey, or a tea, as below. If possible, use freshly ground black pepper, as the pre-ground pepper simply seems to lose some of its punch.

You will need…
-1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
-1 tablespoon of honey
-8 ounces of fresh water

Place the pepper and honey in a mug and then cover with boiling water. Give it stir to disperse the pepper flakes and melt in the honey. Steep for 10 minutes, stir once more, and drink in its entirety. Repeat 1-2 times a day as needed to loosen mucous.



You don’t usually think of pineapple as a cough remedy, but that’s probably because you’ve never heard of bromelain. There is evidence to suggest that bromelain — an enzyme found only in the stem and fruit of pineapples — can help suppress coughs as well as loosen the mucus in your throat. To enjoy the most benefits of pineapple and bromelain, eat a slice of pineapple or drink 3.5 ounces of fresh pineapple juice three times a day.

Marshmallow is made from Althaea officinalis, a perennial that flowers in summer. The leaves and roots of the herb have been used since ancient times to treat sore throats and suppress coughs. There are no well-controlled studies to support these claims, but the herb is generally considered safe.

The presence of phlegm is usually indicated by a constant need for throat clearingconstant coughrunny nose, difficulty breathing, feeling weak and, in some cases, fever. Phlegm tends to collect and congest in the chest and throat and is usually expelled through coughing.

Lemon Juice

Lemon is a great ingredient for loosening mucus and phlegm. Plus, lemon’s antibacterial property and high vitamin C content improves the body’s resistance to infections.  Add two teaspoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey to a glass of hot water. Drink this at least three times a day to soothe your throat and reduce phlegm production


Ginger is a natural decongestant and has been used to fight off throat and respiratory tract infections for ages.

Also, the antiviral, antibacterial and expectorant properties present in ginger ease congestion in the throat and chest to help you breathe easier.

  • Add one tablespoon of fresh ginger slices to one cup of boiled water. Steep for a few minutes and then add two teaspoons of honey. Drink this soothing ginger tea several times throughout the day.
  • Alternatively, chew raw ginger slices several times a day and add ginger to your dishes.

Chicken Soup

Warm chicken soup can also help treat phlegm. Hot chicken soup will help moisturize the airways and thin the consistency of the phlegm. It will also soothe an irritated throat and induce relaxation.  For increased benefits, add ginger and garlic to the soup. Homemade soup is often more effective than canned soup, which has preservatives

 Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper helps the body release mucus built up in the nasal passages and throat. The warm and stimulating nature of cayenne pepper also helps reduce pain in your chest and soothes an irritated throat.

  1. Mix the following ingredients: one-fourth teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and grated fresh ginger, one tablespoon each of honey and apple cider vinegar, and two tablespoons of water.
  2. Drink this mixture two or three times a day to help reduce phlegm production.

Note: Also include cayenne pepper in cooking your dishes.


Onion has excellent antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that help relax your throat and get rid of phlegm. Also, onion helps boost the immune system and speed up the healing process. You can make a tonic with onion and sugar to increase the fluidity of the phlegm so it is easier to expel.

  1. Wash and finely chop a small onion.
  2. Toss the onion with two tablespoons of sugar and set it aside for half an hour. The mixture will develop a liquid texture.
  3. Take one tablespoon of this tonic every two to three hours or when needed.

You can store the extra tonic in the refrigerator for one to two days.


Why it helps: Oregano works as an expectorant and helps you get rid of mucus. To find relief from your dry cough, you may have to use a special type of oregano that belongs to perennial herb and is known as marjoram.

How to apply: Boil some oregano in a cup of water. Filter it and drink it regularly to help improve your condition.

Carrots have been found to be very effective in treating phlegm and other similar conditions. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system and builds resistance to various kinds of infections. Plus, carrots are packed with many nutrients and vitamins that help reduce cough symptoms as well as phlegm.

  1. Extract the juice from four to five fresh carrots.
  2. Add a little water to dilute the juice. Then add two to three teaspoons of honey and mix it well.
  3. Drink this juice throughout the day to clear phlegm from your throat.

Try these simple remedies the next time you are suffering from the annoying problem of phlegm

Homemade cough syrups

Blend lemon juice with a little honey, then add a pinch of cayenne pepper and swallow. The honey coats your throat, soothing irritated tissues, while the lemon reduces inflammation and delivers a dose of infection-fighting vitamin C. The red pepper increases circulation to the area, which hastens the healing process.

A very simple cough syrup calls for 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1 tablespoon honey. Heat until warm and take as many teaspoons as you need. Add a bit of grated onion for a stronger kick.

Onions contain irritating compounds that trigger the cough reflex and bring up phlegm. Peel and finely chop 6 medium onions. Put them, along with a half-cup of honey, into the top of a double boiler or in a pan over a pot of boiling water. Cover and let simmer for 2 hours. Strain and pour the mixture into a covered jar. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 to 3 hours.

For a throat-soothing syrup, mix 5 or 6 cloves with 1 cup honey and leave the mixture in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, remove the cloves and take 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon of the honey as needed. Cloves dull the pain of a sore throat, while honey soothes inflamed throat issues.

Enjoy a piece of hard candy. If you do not have any cough drops on hand or would prefer to stay away from medicated lozenges, you can usually soothe and stop a cough by sucking on a piece of hard candy

A dry cough that produces no phlegm can be halted by nearly any piece of hard candy. Hard candy causes you to produce more saliva and to swallow more, thereby suppressing your cough.

If you have a wet cough that does produce phlegm, lemon drops tend to work well

Dissolve peppermint and ginger in lemon juice. Ginger helps loosen mucus. Both ginger and peppermint can suppress the irritation in the back of your throat that triggers coughs. Add honey to this mixture for an even more effective remedy.

Add 3 tablespoons of chopped ginger and 1 tablespoon of dried peppermint to 4 cups of water. Boil the water, then reduce the heat. Simmer until it has been reduced, then strain. Let it cool for a few minutes, then add a cup of honey, stirring until completely dissolved. Take 1 tablespoon every few hours. This can be refrigerated up to 3 weeks.[15]

Garlic — Garlic is known for its antibacterial and antimicrobial components. The spice is emerging as a natural solution to fight off infections — used as an antiviral and antifungal by many natural health practitioners. Boiling cloves of garlic and drinking it like tea will not only make it easier to breathe, but it will also help to alleviate itchiness which could cause you to cough continuously. Alternatively, just add a clove of raw garlic to food or eat it straight. Aim for one or two cloves each day.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is a solution for just about everything, including coughs. Just mix a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar in 8-10 ounces of water and drink it over time. You could drink it warm, add honey, or use less water or more ACV for a stronger or less strong mixture. Drink at a rate that is comfortable for you.

An Eye Wash Solution Recipe 

One cup of boil water and teaspoon of salt is a homemade remedy for eyewash. Instead of salt use boric acid if you have weak and tired eyes. Let the solutions cool before using it for the eye wash.

A mixture of green tea and distilled water is also another homemade remedy which gives cooling effect to the eyes. Take 2 parts of green tea to 1 part of water. Even the cooled tea bags can be applied directly to the eyes.

Herbal eye wash is also used by straining out all the herbs mixture with a coffee filter. Take 1 tsp of water, 2 tbsp of rose water and 5 drops of tincture of euphoria.

For red and itchy eyes fresh or dried spearmint leaves, distilled water and fresh rose petals will refresh your eyes and stimulate the production of tears.

For tired eyes and those who sit in front of computers can have fennel seed tea eye bath, which refreshes and cleanses the eyes, It also lubricates dry eyes and relieve eye strain.

You will need the following ingredients, to make 3 different eye washes:

  • 1and a half cups distilled water
  • A few fresh rose petals
  • 1 tsp. fennel seeds
  • 1 and a 陆 cups distilled water
  • 10 spearmint leaves
  • 1 and 陆 cups distilled water
  • 1 tsp. Eye bright

Wash all the other ingredients. Boil water, pour over the ingredients and cool for 20 minutes.

Strain the decoction and use.

Home made eye washes ought to be used within 24 hours to ward off bacterial growth. You can store in a glass bottle and refrigerate.

Tea Bags   Put a moist green or black teabag on the affected eye for several minutes. Repeat several times a day. If your eye is swollen, moisten the teabag with cool water. Tea contains bioflavonoids that fight viral and bacterial infections and can help reduce inflammation. The tannic acid in the tea will soothe the itching. A weak solution of tea may also be used as an eyewash.

Drink Plenty of Water  If your eyes are irritated, your vision is blurry, and/or it feels like there is something in your eye, you are likely experiencing symptoms of dry eye. The best way to treat dry eyes is to rehydrate your eyes and your body by drinking a lot of water.

Apple Cider Vinegar  Mix 1 Tbsp pure apple cider vinegar with a cup of water. Use this mixture to wash your eyes by using a cotton ball. Use apple cider vinegar which contains “mother”. “Mother” is malic acid which fights against bacterial infections.

Potato  Grate a potato and place on the eye. It is an astringent and will help reduce the inflammation. The potato may also be made into a poultice and placed over the eye for 15 minute

Cold Bread And last but not least….believe it or not, you can place cold bread on your eyelids and it will help reduce irritation, itchiness and inflammation.  Do this for three successive nights.

boric acid eye rinse can be used to cleanse the eyes, remove dust, chemicals, etc., soothe eye irritation, and cure ailments like pink eye and other infections because it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

For instance, put a quarter teaspoon of dried golden seal and boric acid powder in a pint of hot water. Allow it to cool. Finally, strain and use it as an eye wash to treat mild eye infection.

Washing your eyes with a combination of two parts of green tea and one part of water is considered good for eyes because it cures itching and irritation naturally.  In addition, you can keep used green tea bags in the refrigerator and place them over your eyes after a few hours to reduce swelling and inflammation. It also helps clear dark circles.

What is the  best procedure to clean with eyewash?

Firstly wash your hands with soap

Fill the eye cup halfway with an eye bath solution and bend your head down.

Press the eye cup gently to your closed eye.

Tilt your head back by slowly opening your eye.

Blink the eye several times.

Throw away the used solution and fill with fresh one and repeat the same procedure with the other eye.

Lastly wash the eye cup to prevent possible contamination.


Here’s what you need:


– 3 garlic cloves

– olive oil

– dropper

– cotton or gauze


Take the garlic cloves and remove their rind completely. Then, wash them and press them firmly so that you can extract the maximum quantity of juice possible. Mix the garlic juice with the olive oil and put it in the dropper.


Put three to four drops of this oil in each one of your ears. You really should rest after this, so that the oil could penetrate into your ear deeply. Rest for a while lying down. Take a piece of gauze or cotton to close your ear so that the oil can’t go out. The first results will appear very soon.

*Please note, this article is not intended to  PROMOTE any SINGLE PRODUCT, or to diagnose, treat any medical condition or replace any medicines or medical treatment, it is purely our opinion from our experience and research from a non-medical perspective.  Please confirm any, all of these things with your doctor. 


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